Paris Gala Part 2

        Zendaya packed up important things like her wallet and phone and laptop and then she gets ready to leave. She doesn't have enough sleep and Christian woke up at three in the morning to leave. Zendy looked at him.

"You didn't sleep." He noted and took her bag from her.

"Yeah, it seemed like we are going to elope." Zendy chuckled.

"I'll drive you to your penthouse." Christian peeked at Demi once again and he opened the door for her.


        Christian drive her to the main city and from her penthouse, she started packing up for tonight's flight. She at least needed to sleep. Christian is in her kitchen cooking for her. Yeah, Christian are like their personal bodyguard, cook, and nanny. But since Demi is his girlfriend, he'll have less attention to each of them and more on Demi. Because Demi is taking all of his time.

"Thanks, Christian."

"I make your milk. This might help you sleep."