The Strippers Part 1

        Bea entered the car as Noah opened it for her. Then his siblings went inside. It's three in the afternoon and they will get ready for their strip clubbing. Sophia is already busy with her laptop as she searched and hacked into the system of the strip club. It was too easy. Then Aria and Asher are already working background. Although, Asher won't be with them since it will be all for the teens above the age of eighteen.

"No one is going to mention this about mom and dad, understand?"

"Yes ma'am." Thunder and Flash said.

"When can we visit such a club?" Flash asked.

"When you reached eighteen."

"Wow." Thunder eyes widen. "I'll be eighteen soon."

        Bea watched as Noah entered the driver's seat and she moved closer to him.

"We'll take you the strip club and of course you have to strip. It will cost us lots of money."

        Noah shook his head.

"Nope. I am just there to guard you."