The Strippers Part 2

        Christian didn't need to disguise. Demi disguised as a woman at the same age as Christian and they fake their age from the ID. Then, he patted her head. She's wearing red lipstick and heavy make-up. He caressed her curves and kissed her back. Since he's sitting in front of the mirror and she's sitting on his lap to increase her height.

"Come on! Just strip!" Bea said aloud to Noah. Noah kept running off from her.

"You look so sexy, just wear jeans and some blouse, okay?" Christian murmured to her.

"Okay." She answered and finished her make-up.

        She stood and took his hand as they went to her suitcase to check the clothes that she should wear. Christian helped him and he took a black jean a white-sleeveless shirt and a denim jacket.
