The Project Part 2

        Zendaya sighed and massaged her forehead. Everything her mother is doing is crazy. But at least, she could catch up. But she liked more of action and other crazy physical stuff than this. She stretched her arms and yawned.

"Push up!" Andy told her. She did start five push-ups and then squats. Then she sat back and go back to work.

"This is crazy." Zendaya groaned.

"I know."

"I should've just come on the trip to the mountains."

"Nope." Andy shook her head. "I need you here."

        Zendy groaned and massaged her head.

"Damn it!" She mumbled.

"Maybe after this, I could go to Tim?"

"No." Andy casually said and continue on her work. "Your father and Tim are working for upgrades of the suits. Although they distributed the latest suit, there still need upgrades. Perhaps, we could check it if, Bea and others were attacked by rogues or something." She mumbled.

"You said it like it's normal." Zendy creased her brows.