First Kiss and First Love Part 1

        Noah reached her face and stared at it for a while. It's dark and the million stars and fireflies are the only thing that is giving them lights. He caressed her hair and pulled her close.

"Don't you want to make love to me?"

"I do," Noah said breathlessly.

"Then, why did you bring me here?"

"For this," he held her face with his right hand and his left arms pulled her up around her waist and reached her lips and kissed it passionately. Although he was so hungry. So, hungry to kiss her and make love to her, he needed to restrain himself for days and hours.

        Bea finally wrapped her arms around his nape and tiptoed to deepen the kiss. It was her first kiss. His tongue is doing incredible things inside her mouth and maybe it's a French kiss. Or whatever it was, she's getting aroused by it.

        He finally let go of her mouth, looking so swollen and she's beautiful as she catches her breath. She hugged his nape tightly.