The Case Part 1

        So, his mother got raped before her father got engaged to her. Then, lots of shits happened and he didn't hear her out until she was blackmailed because the ex-girlfriend of her father that somehow is living in the same subdivision when he was ten is so obsessed with him.

        His dad took revenge from what happened to her than continuously hating her for what happened. Kale knew that his father hated himself for what happened. He's part of the Mondragon Empire and he couldn't protect the woman that he loves so much.

        Kale didn't love Cathy, but he understood her. She had no choice to think at the moment. Even though partially, she's afraid and she enjoyed it. Kale hated to be cheated because he never cheated. But somehow, this is a different thing. Maybe they'll just need to stay as friends after she recovered.