The Case Part 2

        Stanley frowned as he watched the television and some people spotted and filmed Joey Gomez, being put in jail. The reports are all over the news and they said specific things like blackmailing and sex videos. This shouldn't be in the news but somehow, it just appeared to be there.

"Baby, what if our family name appeared there?" Luna whispered to her.

"Don't worry, my moon. I'll take care of it." He kissed her forehead. She leaned in is arm while it's resting over the sofa.

"How adorable?" Kale approached them and he sat on the single sofa.

"Tell Cathy not to contact any media with regards to this. Putting Joey Gomez into jail is enough and if Cathy made a move to contact them, it'll be her cost." He instructed Kale.

"Yeah, I already talked to her. She's staying in the new condo that I purchased for her. With good security and she'll be fine alone."