Ruined Night Part 2

 Bea took out her shuriken and throw it directly to the forehead of the ninja and Noah turned around and fire his gun. They blocked it with their katana.

"Spotlight!" Noah said aloud as the AI turned on the full lights and the ninjas have been spotted some hid quickly, but Bea is fast as them. The same with Noah.

 Noah removed the thick mattress of his bed and gave the gun to Bea as Bea started firing it to the shadows. Noah opened his secret safe on the bed and took out his katana. Bea took another shuriken and hit another after another. Some dodged it and Noah's room is wide enough for them to dodge and roll.

"Don't get any scratch, baby," Noah told her.

 There were also guns outside, and Bea knew that it was her father.

 Noah dodged the katana and somehow, someone just cut his jacket. He frowned and then, he took out throw knife and throw it to them. They blocked it with their armors.