The Accident Part 1

        Zendaya immediately put her clothes on and then her phone.

"What's wrong?" Timothy asked.

"Kale just got into an accident," Zendaya told him.

"What?" Timothy also put his clothes on and then took his phone. He followed her until they reached the parking lot. Zendaya drove her motorbike with Timothy at the back, hugging her from behind. She drove her motorbike fast as she could to the hospital.

        She met her Uncle Stanley and Aunt Luna in the parking lot. They went to the ER directly to the operation room. Soon, Bea came up with Noah, and she's crying.

"I told him not to drive." She sobbed, and Noah hugged her tightly to comfort her.

        Zendaya creased her brows. So, Bea had seen this before. Maybe two times now. Then, she warned him two times, and it still happened. She massaged her forehead and leaned on the wall. Timothy held her to comfort her.