Seductress Part 1

 Camila was busy packing a few things when her fiancée came up with a box, and he sat down on the bed. He kept it set on his lap. She only glanced at him and continued folding the clothes. 

"Babe, I got a gift for you." 

"Make sure that it isn't a prank again. Last time really got me." 

"No. It's not a prank. You are going to love it. I promise you this is your favorite thing in life. You love this thing more than me." 

 She smiled and thought of what that thing would be her favorite thing. She turned to him and crossed her arms. It might be a new tablet or a car. She approached him and he held the box still. 

"Open." He grinned at her. She opened the cap of the box excitedly and she screamed seeing his penis inside. He laughed out loud and Camila took the pillow and kept smacking him. "What? You love it more than me!" 

 Camila exhaled and nodded. 

"Yeah, I love it more than you. I can cut it off!" She gritted her teeth.