Seductress Part 2

 She woke up with a raging lower part. If Tucker would give it to her, she'll be more than satisfied. But at the moment, her stomach growled. She smelled something famishing. She slipped off from the bed and slid her feet to her slippers. She went downstairs and Tucker is setting up food on the table. She smiled at the foods that he made. It's enough for the two of them. There are vegetables and meat too. 

"I'm starving." She hugged him from behind and her stomach growled. 

"Come on," he unwrapped her arms from him. She tiptoed and kissed his lips. Tucker didn't push him, but he pulled her up so he could kiss her more. 

"Hmm, I'm horny too." 

 He chuckled and gently pushed her on her seat. He took out a rubber band and gathered her hair, fixed it, and tied it up so it won't get on her food. He put a scoop of rice on her plate and sauteed vegetables and the steak. She sipped on her water first and she enjoyed eating the food that he made.