
Demon slaying [7]

"Hey Sarya" Ferris greeted

"Lets go on a quest" she asked

She was in her gear which was made up of equipment that an adventurer would normally wear.

"Ok! Lets go check the board"

While Sarya was scanning through the board Ferris was looking around his surrounding.

(Hmm alot of high ranked adventurers are here, i can even see 4 A rank adventurers)

"Ah here's one, there's has a direwolf pack in a forest nearby and the reward is 4 silver"

"Su... sure"



"Hey Ferris aren't you ganna help"

"I.. i dont have experience tho hehe?"

(She's slaughtering them! And its only been only minutes do i even need to help!?)

The pack of direwolves was slowly decreasing until there was only one left


"Hey if your not ganna help me I'm not sharing the loot"

"Ill try next time" Ferris answered

"You don't even have a weapon did you left it or you don't even have one?!"

"Its hidden" he said to her


After a few hours of questing Ferris finally decided to help her with a simple sword he bought from the store.

"Your not bad with a sword"

"Ive practiced" he replied

When they were done with the quest they went back to the town to receive their rewards but first they had to go trough a vast grass land which aas littered with monsters such as giant bears.

""!!! Fe.. Ferris there's smoke in the distance and that's the location of my village!"

"Yeah i see"

"We should go and take a look"

Due to his sen stat he noticed some thing wrong with the mana instead of the usual feeling when you sense mana, the mana he saw was ominous

He looked towards the smoke and formed a serious face



In the head quarters of the falcon guild in the town

"Sir!! Demons!"

"What did you Say!!"

The guild master Artosh who was a retired A rank adventurer shot up from his seat and yelled back loudly

"How many!"

"We spotted about 8.. 80 sir"

When the Artosh heard these words

He yelled back with twice the force


"Ye.. yes sir!"


When Ferris and Sarya arrived they where greeted by a horde of demons, Ferris immediately turned his head towards Sarya and said some words with an dangerous and an icy glare.

"Go run away now" Ferris said

"Bu.. but my parents live-"

She was immediately cut off by Ferris and told here again with the same look etched in his face

"Just run ill handle the rest" he said

"if you say so.. "

She ran as fast as she can to escape and when see was out of sight from him he threw away his sword and pulled out his obsidian blade from his inventory.

"Demons... this is ganna be tough"


Demons are definitely stronger than a single high orc due to their large and beast like forms with rock hard scales plus some of the demons can use magic like fire and shadow magic but they can't use light, demons also have the ability of fast regeneration abilities, they only have one weakness and that is to just simply cut of their head but that is no easy task for an adventurer like a B rank.

As the demon tried to grabbed him with its giant claws Ferris jumped in the air to slice its head and as expected of his new sword he managed to made a rough cut and successfully killed the demon with ease

{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

"Status reactivate that automatic status placing thing and don't place to much on int"



{Stats points have been distributed}

"Now i don't have to waste my time placing my stat points manually"

He now began his killing spree to save the villagers, well he also wanted to level up


{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}


{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}


{Stat points have been distributed}


{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}


{Stat points have been distributed}


{You levelled up!}


{You levelled up!}


{You levelled up!}


{You levelled up!}


{Stat points have been distributed}



{You levelled up!}



{You levelled up!}



{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}

Levelling up became harder as his level gradually increased but the fights are getting easier

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Its ok dear dont cry"

These small family was in the corner of their destroyed house and the father only between them facing the demon with a small dagger

"Sta.. stay away you demon!"


His scared stiff face went away when he saw the demons head came flying off

"Wait i saw a person passed behind the demons face just now"

Ferris took a quick peek at the scared family

"Looks like im not too late"

{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}




{You levelled up!}

{Stat points have been distributed}

As time flew by eventually all the demons got killed

"Looks like im done here"

Although it was a complete victory for him it wasn't for the village,there were alot of casualties when the demons came so he went to check the village to check if the villagers are fine

As he was walking he found a man lying on the ground that was heavily injured but still alive

"Here drink this its a high grade healing potion"

"Th... thank you -coughs-"

The injured chugged down the potion in seconds and a small dim light formed on his chest indicating that he is healed

"Thank you again"!""

But before he could thank him again he was gone


The 4 A rank Adventurers and others went to the village but they saw only corpses of demons littered on the village grounds

"Hey there's still people alive send in the healers"

"Yes sir!"

Ferris was standing behind the tree watching the band of adventurers that was suppose to subjugate those demons

"Looks like i have to get out of here"

♤sorry only 1 chapter today cuz i had school OOF i also overshot the amount of chapters in weekends so its only about 2 chapters :( sorry♧
