
Another fresh start [8]

"Looks like i have to get out of here" he told himself

(No not just here i need to get out of town and travel to a bigger one like a city... no a capital)

He now escaped the area and went back to town with a hood on so he won't get noticed by Sarya and in just a span of a minute he arrived in the guild.

"Can i quit the guild?"

"Umm excuse me? You just joined this guild for only a few hours and you already leaving?"

"Ahh sorry well you see i have to move out because my parents from the capital called me so i can't work as an adventurer in this town"

"I see then, alright give me your card"


She grabbed a stamp like object from her desk and tapped the card and it began glowing

"Here, the guild name is gone now when you go to a new guild all you have to do is give it to the receptionist"

"Thank you"

"oh yes I forgot to tell you this please dont come back again"

The receptionist formed a smile in her face but it gave of a murderous intent.

"O.. ok"


"Hey can i leave the inn?"

"You're leaving now young man? But its been only 2 days, hold on since you didn't complete the whole week ill give you you money back"

"No keep the money I'm in a hurry"

As he was about to leave the door he stopped when he heard the lady's voice again.

"Is there something wrong young man?"

"Its nothing I'm going now bye!"

(Kids these day are sure weird i hope his not involved in bad things.. )


In the guild house the report from the demon attacked got to the guild master.

"All of them are dead?"

"Yes sir"

"Hows the villagers"

"60 dead out of the population of 120 sir"

The room suddenly got quiet when the guild master heard the amount of innocents died but he soon regained his wits.

"Who killed those demons then"

"We don't know sir but one of the surviving villagers claimed to have seen his face"

"Is that villager here?"

"Yes sir his in the waiting room"

Artosh quickly called a composite artist to get a quick sketch of the suspects face, The interview quickly began and in only about 20 minutes of asking and drawing the results is done

"Here sir its finished"

"Lets see"!!!""

"This man I've seen him while i was looking the training course!"

The guild master quickly went out of his office to ask the receptionist since she remembers all the faces of adventurers in the guild

"Hey where is he"

He quickly showed the rough sketch of Ferris to her face

"Him? He left the guild"

"HE LEFT!? since when!"

"A.. about 20 minutes ago sir"

Artosh was speechless when he heard it was only 20 minutes ago so he went back to his office

"Sir what happened"

"He left the guild"

"Should we track him down sir he couldn't have gone to far"

"No just leave him be if it weren't for his aid, all the people would've been killed by those demons plus, what's a trash guild ganna do with a guy like that. haha....."


A few days later the word quickly covered the town, In a small cafe near the guild Sarya was seating and quietly drinking tea.

(Its been three days now and his nowhere to be found but thanks to him my family is safe)

(How did he kill those demons he was just a newbie was he actually a high ranking adventurer? but i want to see him again and thank him for saving my village)

(I can't stay weak what if another horde of demons attacked? With him not around who's ganna protect the place, I have to get stronger and one day we will cross paths again)

She shot up from her seat with a determined face and quickly ran to the guild to finish those quest.


"Finally im at the capital"

Ferris was standing in front of a humongous gate that even a redwood tree stacked five times won't even reach the top of the gate which was also defended by knights in shining armor and walls that are as big as the gate, It was also covered by a large moat with a very wide and long draw bridge that connected the capital to the land.
