
Another fresh start 2 [8]

"Ahhh this is the best"

He was lazily laying in his small bed as if he was paralyzed, he slept throughout the day. He already booked an inn as soon as he got inside the capital.


In the wide roads of the capital

People were cheering loudly that it can be heard from a mile away

"Look its the Royal Knights!"

"Mom can i be a royal knight one day?"

"It looks like their mission was a success"

In an instant the side of the streets were flooded by people and in the middle knights in shining armor riding snow like horses with wings were arranged in an orderly manner.

But its not only that,they were also followed by an endless sea of giant carts carrying piles of monster from weak goblins all the way to giant dragons,the rest of the carts were also piles of gold,treasures'and jewels.

Meanwhile Ferris was standing near the window of his apartment rubbing his eyes.

(Damm were did these people came from, i was just having a good nap)

When he regained his lost power when he was sleeping. his eyebrows shot up high because he sensed the crazy dense magic energy emitted by those royal knights.

(Those guys are stupidly strong, if I were to fight the weakest one I'd probably lose in a second)

(Its getting near dinner time i should apply for a large guild, since I'm in the capital a lot of the large guilds headquarters are here)


As he was going to the guild headquarters of the Reaper guild, He didn't expect such a tall building that he had to raise his head at maximum to see the top, Unlike the falcon guild headquarters at the town the reapers guild headquarters made it look like an ant

"Damm thats huge"

When he said these words in awe a passing by adventurer tapped his back.

"That's what she said, see ya!"

The adventurer quickly went inside the large building like structure.

"ha ha very funny"


"Can i apply for the guild"he asked

"Your card please"


The receptionist took his card and tapped it with a stamp and the card glowed in light.

"Welcome to our guild the quest board is over there"


As he was walking towards the quest board his eyebrows was getting higher and higher, the quest board he saw covered the entire wall, he looked left and then right and the board looked like it stretched for miles.

(Can't waste time)
