
Different quest [9]

[Subjugation quest]

Slay 1 orc at the forest of dura

Reward - 30 silver coins

[Subjugation quest]

Slay a 2 demons at the dessert of saraha

Reward - 1 gold coin

[Mercenary for hire]

Escort a noble

Reward - 50 silver coins

He saw many types of quest from slaying dragons all the way to simple things like babysitting someone.

(Hmm a subjugation quest should be simple but i shouldn't pick high level quests like demon slaying i should pick easier ones for E ranks)

As he was scanning the huge board he found a fairly simple one.

[Subjugation quest]

Slay a small goblin nest at the forest of dura.

Reward - 75 copper coins


"I'd like to take on this quest" he said

"A subjugation quest? Its for E ranks so does that mean your new?"

"Yeah i am"

"Then you need to show proof that you were the one who killed the goblins"


As he was walking out the exit he saw many types adventurers from newbies like him to veterans who were experienced, with bodies decorated with scars.

"... I wonder if i can break through my past rank of SILVER class D rank"

He soon went to the forest of dura to quickly finish his quest.

While he was walking in the streets he quickly noticed the huge amount of people in the area, he also noticed many merchants trading not to mention the amount of scammers in the streets as well.

While he was walking in the streets he quickly remembered how big the capital he was in.

(Damm I've been walking for 20 mins how long is this ganna take not to mention i also have to walk all the way to the forest)

In just 30 mins he finally got out, with this he can finally go at his max speed so he reached the forest in about 10 mins. As he was in the forest searching for goblins he finally stumbled their nest

And he quickly hid in a dense bush.

(20 goblins and 1 goblin shaman,this should be easy)

He quickly jumped out from the bush and pulled out his sword from his inventory. One by one the goblins are getting killed at a fast rate leaving the shaman the only one left to kill.

(Where is that guy did he use stealth?)

Not knowing where the goblin shaman is he pushed his sense stat to its peak and he sensed a small amount of magic leaking out.

(There you are)


         {You have obtained a skill}


   -hide your presence with ease consumes your mana.

"A skill?"

When he was finished with his quest he grabbed all of the goblins tooth and stored them in his pocket.

"That was time consuming well the travelling was"

While he was walking in the forest he saw a lone orc in the distance.

(An orc? I remember seeing a quest for that while I was scanning the board should i kill it? I mean there's no one around)

Without a second thought he dashed towards the orc and killed it in a split second.

"Hmm still no level up?"

He noticed a dense magic flowing out from a nearby cave and he quickly went to the location, When he arrived his eyebrows shot up in the sky followed by a surprised face

(A high orc lair huh? And it looks like its packed full of high orcs due to the multiple magical energies I'm  sensing)

"Looks like ill have to wait for my quest reward"

A smirk quickly formed on his face
