
The Beginning of the War [14]


A huge queue can be seen, many people were standing and waiting some looked impatient and some looked excited, all of the villagers were in the queue including old people and kids, it tooked about an hour for the queue to finish it was almost evening.


"Place your hand here"


The random villager placed his hand on some stone that didn't look any special, while he was touching the stone nothing happened and the commander that was sitting near him let out a disappointing sigh.

"No reaction what a disappointment

EVERYONE!!! Move out! Lets get out of here our duty is done!"

Hearing the commanders voice all the soldiers guarding the village quickly packed their supplies to head back.

"Sir why do you look disappointed? what your looking for is like 1 in all the people that lives in this world, the chance of that happening is like point 1 percent" one of his aids said

"Ahhh I'm just not feeling like myself today" the commander replied

As they were going to their own carriage the commanders face was for some reason getting paler and paler as if his blood is suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.


the man walking next to him realized and he quickly pulled out his sword out of fear.

"Everyone battle formation!" his aid shouted at the soldiers


"Your kidding!!"

The commander that looked like a normal human turned into a demon and he rampage throughout the entire village.


"Is the report true?" the king asked

"Yes my king 97 casualties 28 survivors"

"such a shame"

The king dropped the report he was reading and he let out a long sigh.

"Its happening guess my thoughts was right all along" the king exclaimed

"My king should I alert the royal knights and expand the search?"

"Yes... you may and alert the nearby kingdoms as well"

"As you wish"

In a few hours the nearby kingdoms were also alerted and also began alerting their neighbours as well, like a domino affect.


In the kingdom of the dwarves Baldor.

"My king! An urgent report from one of our neighboring allies"

"Let me see.."

The dwarf king who was sitting in his large iron throne read the so called urgent message.

""what are you doing kneeling there! Hurry up and alert our troops! Now! "

"Yes my king!"

The king rested his face on his fist and smirked.

(Heh so its beginning, I guess I'm lucky and unlucky at the same time..)


In the Dense forest. The capital of Asari, a country primarily composed of elves.

"My Queen, a report from our neighbors"

"Let me see"

"O dear... alert the army to defend our territory"

"As you wish my queen"

The beautiful green haired elf gently rested her back on her light wooden throne that almost seemed to be glowing.

(This is the second time already....)


{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

{You levelled up!}

{Stat points have been distributed}

As he stepped out of the portal in his room he let out a big yawn because he looked really tired and bored, he took look at his window and saw a huge queue about 6 rows that stretched far.

(What's happening? I should take a bath and head out to see what's going on)

After a few minutes he finished dressing up and proceeded to head out as planned.

(What's happening here almost all the people here are in line except me)

While he was looking the the huge line he was approached by a guard nearby.

"Hey get in line" the guard ordered

"Ok but what's happening?" Ferris asked

"Haven't you heard? its happening" he replied

"Really its happening already" Ferris questioned

"-sigh- yes" the guard said

While he was walking he was looking at the people in queue, he saw normal looking people,adventurers and all the way to dirt poor people waiting. After a long wait in the queue, he made it to the end and passed with no results.


In a certain town that Ferris once visited the same thing was happening.


"Place your hand here"

The same procedure started again, the commander looked kinda tired as if he expected nothing to happen while waiting, but suddenly the stone shined as if your eye were looking at the sun, seeing this he jumped high in his seat like a cat touching water.

"Holy!, My God! We.. Got it.. The hero!" he shouted at the air
