
Prologue to a new war [13]

The sound of books closing and opening can be heard but not the common sound of people talking, well it is a library after all and they.

(History, science, and~ skills)

Since the library was so massive he spent some time looking for area where the skill books are. He saw many adventurers in that particular section unlike the other areas.

(Guess i should join the boat)

There are many types of books that can be found like light skills, water, earth, etc but there us one thing that rarely anyone uses which is the dark type, He quickly grabbed an old looking book, it was very dusty as if no one touched it in centuries.

(People don't really use dark types since they believe it makes you a demon or something, but that's superstition... besides i used this in my past life and nothing happened)

While he was reading the book the nearby adventurers started to notice that book he was reading and began staying away from him.

"Lets get out here he might be dangerous"

"Yeah lets go"

Even though he was being treated like a demon by now he didn't really care that much at all. He picked Dark slash,shadow travel,consumer as the final buy.


"Id like to buy these please" she said to a girl behind her desk while showing her the book

""!!" umm.... Yes of course"

The girl quickly grabbed some gloves and she went to the storage room.

"He.. here, take it take it" she said with haste

She gave him 3 dark looking stones


In this world the only way you can get skills are using skill stones or you are born with a skill, or stealing a skill.

If you want a new skill without stealing one you need to go to a library or any sources where you could find those. They are made by mages who make them by making a stone that can re-cast a certain spell over and over again. Basically an instant spell.

"Th.. that would be 1 gold coin sir"

"right" Ferris answered"

"thank you"

He grabbed the three stones and went outside with a satisfied looking face.

"how rude, he didn't even bother to return the book instead he left it at my desk" the girl mumbled

Perhaps Ferris was too lost in his thought, that's why he forgot about the book.


At the middle of the capital lies the castle of the king, Loud voices can be heard inside the conference room.

"we need to find the hero now!"

"Not yet we are not sure that this is the work of the-

"We can not waste anymore time!"

"The rate of demon appearances is getting exponetially higher and higher as the days go by we need to do this now"

"But where to we find him or her?"

"We need to find the new hero!"

"I agree we should find the hero and not waste anymore time discussing"

"We should start here at the capital, if we don't find the hero we spread our search"

Alot of people were discussing about something coming up, while they were discussing the current situation the king was keeping quiet while seating in his chair but he suddenly spoke up.

"We should find the hero now, lets not waste time, this kingdom has given birth to a few heroes in the past including the great hero Kaleyas, we must not waste time" the king said to them

One of the people in the room stood up and he was followed by the rest and they all spoke at the same time as if they practiced and prepared to do it.

"As you wish my king!"
