
Elf Town [24]

In the sky which is glittering with stars and the bright moon hovering up the sky, Ferris was in a carriage with other passengers aboard. He had recently went out the capital and headed out. Its been a day of just travelling he stayed up all night waiting for something to happen since he was really bored.

(when will something happen, its so boring here we've only made two stops for some supplies)

He was thinking about some stuff maybe back at the capital or something, after a few minutes he gave up and fell asleep.


... <--♤timer btw♧



"!!" Ferris reacted

He quickly noticed that the carriage suddenly stopped and he saw that some of the passengers quickly left the carriage screaming.

"Run away!"

"A demon!"

(A Demon?) he asked himself

He also left the carriage and started looking for the demon the passengers told him, it didn't took him awhile since the demon was actually as large as the giant trees surrounding the carriage plus it was literally right in front of him.

(This guy is hugeee is he a giant type demon?)


Like infected demons there are other types of demons like that giant type demon that was in front of him, a humanoid like demons, the normal demon beast, and demon dragons Bahamuts even demon dragons have different sizes.

♤ooooo dang cant wait for ferris to fight a bahamut someday♧

Of course Ferris easily defeated it, even if the demon was large it just made it a bigger and slower target. He climbed the leg of the demon as if it was a mountain then claimed the chest then finally the head which he diced like onions.

-boom plop- <--♤just a big plop♧

The giant demon almost fell on the carriage and the passengers but luckily nothing bad happened.

(That was close, good thing it didn't fall on those guys my bad)

{You levelled up!}

("!" The scared me its been a while since i heard that ding, guess my xp was close to levelling up)

He jumped off the demons head and the people with him approached them with happy expressions.

"Sir we are thankful"

"Are you a strong adventurer?"

"How can we repay you?"

"Ahhh its nothing and i don't really need rewards for this"

"But sir we-"

The man stopped talking when he heard a loud voice that wasn't his native tongue.


(This sound.. its sound like... Elvish) Ferris told himself


He sensed many magical presence surrounding them, above and below the giant trees, he counted about 47 people, they were probably the ones who was suppose to hunt the giant demon Ferris saw until he killed it.

An Elf landed in front of him. As an elf, he looked more feminine than any other races, he had longer hair, a slimmer body and a more girly face.

"Ahem.. forgive my soldiers, now lets get straight to the point"



Ferris noticed that he was handcuffed by him, he was surprised he didn't even noticed him doing that. He checked his magical presence it wasn't much but he noticed a densely compact magic aura.

(This guy his not any ordinary elf i know)

"You are trespassing our territory and interrupted my soldiers hunt, you will come with us but don't worry you will be the only one and your friends can leave"

Ferris looked behind him and shouted at them to get the hell out of the area and find the nearest way to a nearby human village or town.

"Now that they are gone come with us" the elf said to Ferris

The elf said a few words and ferris went to sleep it was probably the use of magic.


"Mmghh... where am I?"

He was in a small confined room with wood as the wall and a few branches blocking him from freedom although he still had a pretty clear view of the area.

(Hmm looks like I'm high up in a tree, and i can see a small Elven town from up here)

He admired the good view for a while until he finally wanted to get out.

(If i suddenly break out of here wouldn't the make me a criminal to them or something? Guess ill just wait for that guy)



After about ten minutes of waiting the elf guy finally approached him.

"Hey mind if you get me out here please" Ferris requested

"Heh alright but you'll have to go to court"

Suddenly the branches opened a hole enough for him to come out and when he got out of the cage his arms were suddenly handcuffed out of nowhere.

("!" This again)

They walked down in some stairs that leads down to the town. following them are a few guards. As they were finally at ground level the natives quickly noticed the human that was handcuffed.

"^@%#% <-look a human"

"%#$&&#%& <-hmph humans are greedy creatures serves him right"

While Ferris was looking at the people he felt kinda jealous.

(Lucky for them they can live for 1000 years while we humans only live for about 80 to 100 years) Ferris complained

It didn't took them a while to get to where they were going.

(This is the place? Its a stupidly huge log but its chopped down i wonder why?)

The log was huge so much so that it looked like an entire house, the size would be even bigger when it isn't chopped down. A huge wooden door opened before them and they entered a large room filled with guards and a few old looking elves probably pass their 950's. Ferris was suddenly knelt down and swords were faced towards him.

(Hey hey is this an execution or something?) he said to himself

"%#$^ welcome young one lets make this quick"

The old elf showed him a scale the seemed to be carrying a feather and a scale that looked like it belonged to a demon beast.

"This is simple if the feather is lying it means your telling the truth and if the demon scale is heavier then your lying, now..are you a demon?"
