
Dwarf Kingdom [25]

"Im heading out guys!"

"Thank you hero!"

"Good luck on your journey!"

Both of them were riding in a cart at the start of morning, they finished eating breakfast provided by the surviving people from the town and took a quick bath.

"So where are we going now?" Kaiju asked

"Forward.. to wherever God will take us to" She answered

After going through the desert they finally arrive at a place where grass can be found anywhere.

"Finally.. a place where we can't die from heat" she said with sheer joy

They passed many villages and towns, and they finally arriving at a large mountain with a large gate.

"This place.. Hey Kai check the map"

"Oh uhhhh..."


(He can't read huh)

"Just give it to me"

She checked the map and she found out that they arrived at a place where the dwarves formed a kingdom. Although the kingdom was formed by the dwarves many types of races come and go as they wish.

"Well lets go"

When both of them passed through the gate they were in a huge highway with other cart,carriages and some people were just on horse back.

(Wow.. how did they made this place)

Inside the mountain were filled with beautiful stone buildings and houses plus it looked like it always night inside the kingdom.

"Hey kai loo-"




(Where the hell did he go?!)

When she turned around to tell Kaiju something, he suddenly vanished out of nowhere.


"is this Foreign food?"

Kai was looking at some cake through a glass window, since he is from the eastern areas of the world its his first time seeing cake. A stranger suddenly came to him screaming.

"Sir do you know how to treat wounds?"

"Oh uh yeah i do"

"Pls sir fallow me, my daughter has a fatal wound that'll kill her"

Kai followed the stranger to a random dark alley nearby and when both of them were deep inside the alley.

"So where is she?" Kai asked

(Heh what a dumbass, he has a sweet looking necklace maybe i can fetch some money out of him)

"Dumbass.. did you really think that i had a daughter plus your surrounded by my mates"

He was quickly surrounded by men some where on windows above him pointing bows at his face.

"So where's your daughter?"

""!"what he hell! Can't you see your surrouned?"

"Oh.. your right..." Kai finally noticed

"This guy... men round him up!"

All the men charged at him but before they could get close to him, he jumped away towards the open streets.

"Hey what the hell?!"

"How did he jump that far?"

"Is he a monster or something?"

"he just lied to me, but its not nice of him to call me dumb"

(You will regret this you bastard)

Kai returned to the area where he was looking at some cake.


(Nnhg I'm getting hungry)

"Hey! There you are!"

Sarya was walking down the streets looking for him.

"Don't go exploring around, oh yeah we are staying here for three days so i sold of our cart, lets go"


In the dark alley where Kai used to be in, the mug was still standing there still pissed at Kai.


"Who's the- "!!""

A guy wearing a dark cloak was standing above the building talking to him.

[You let him escape, and do you remember the contract's terms and agreements?]

"Ye.. yes sir it-"

[Failing is not allowed here and you have two days to redeem yourself and if you fail again or else~ you'll die]

The man smirked in a weird and somewhat creepy way.


♤oh dearrr the cringe k thx bye♧