
Not enough [30]

©I didn't gave ferris that job becuz it was cool I have other reasons and yoooo my toilet was glowing ill do sarya next chap®

(looks like he isn't fallowing me that's a relief)

His face was getting deformed something like high G training done by astronoughts, due to the high pressure of air smashing his face.

He has already eaten, and slept for a good 7 hours on top of a random tree branch that fitted him, he saw a distant castle that seemed to be surrounded by houses, to an ordinary person it would look like a speck of dust, his eyes are now able to see more sharply and can zoom through long distances.

Before he knew it he has already arrived at the front gate.

(im already here...)

©Just to clarify you guys ferris goal is to travel around the world he said this in his past life®

The gate wasn't as grand as the one in the capital but it was similar, only a little smaller but there was a noticable difference.

("?" the streets.... It's empty)

It looked like a ghost town inside the large kingdom, since the gate was fully open he just walked in carelessly.

He noticed people looking at him through small openings in the windows of the houses.

(it looks like people are still around. but why are they all hiding, is there something that happening?)

(i have a feeling that I did something stupid again..)

He walked around town for a while until an adventurer with full plate armor approached him, the adventurer was almost twice as large as Ferris, the armor he was wearing looked heavy something like a tank would wear.

"hey you! Why are you outside"

The adventurer said with a serious face.

"excuse me?"

Ferris said with visible confusion.

"did you just come here recently? Besides that have you heard the news?"

"yes I came here just now, what news are yiu talking about?"

"there's an army of demons coming here so the townspeople are all hiding"

The adventurer couldn't help but notice, he suddenly grabbed the shoulders of Ferris and gripped it tightly.


The adventurer smirked with a face that looked like it was impressed.

"for a small body like yours. Your muscles are quite impressive"

"hehe.. Is that so" Ferris said with a fake chuckle.

"my names David, how about it.. why won't you help us fight the demons off"



A good distance away from the kingdom, a small but a good sized army is preparing itself, Ferris was in the back area wearing nothing but leather armor.

(how... Just how did I get myself into this..)

The army was mainly composed of adventurers who were drafted by the king himself, one of the adventurers was actually a diamond E rank.

"Ferris, you see that man over there that's a diamond adventurer" David said while pointing at someone

" he's a diamond rank?"

"yeah seriously do we even need an army if we have him? Haha"


Some where in the front middle of the army a female wearing blue robes, was standing with her staff in hand, she has long silky white hair with a face that can capture any man's eyes.

"they are coming now"

Hundreds of demons were rapidly approaching from the distance towards the army, behind the demon army was large dust cloud probably from them running.

"everyone! Get ready, the demons are coming!" the commander shouted beside the girl.

"you don't have to worry just go behind me" the girl said while charging her staff

The man beside her swallowed his saliva because it was his first time witnessing a high ranked adventurer fight.

The demon army was composed of 2 demon commanders and other hundreds of fodder demons.

Her staff glowed to a blue color, she raised her staff towards the sky while her staff is still glowing even more brightly to the point that looking at it with your naked eyes can blind you.

"ice age" the girl murmured

She softly tapped her staff at the ground, in an instant the army behind her were freezing but in front of her was even more terrifying, the demon army were made up of ice sculptures varying im many different sizes.

"it's done now everyone can go home, all of those demons are probably dying from hypothermia right now " the girl said to the commander beside her.

Everyone was speechless after witnessing her awesome power she displayed in front of litterly everyone.

"uhh.. Y-yes of course"

The army retreated back to the kingdom, some stayed back in awe of her amazing power.

"ferris aren't you coming with us?, me and my men are planning to have a party at the bar" David said with a bright smile.

"I'm not even acquainted with you in the first place" Ferris said while smiling back at him.

As the rest of the army headed back, Ferris went to the area where the demons are, it used to be a desert but now it was just a snow waste land.

("!" woah slippery)

He got close to one of the demon commanders well.. It was a large ice statue now, he sensed that there was still magical energy being emmited from the demon commander.

(it's still alive, now time to test my theory)

He pulled out his new sword Sângelua and began cutting the ice statue into large clean pieces, his new sword easily cut through the thick ice and the demon inside it.

Large blocks of ice fell down one by one as he was cutting the ice statue.




(now let's see...)




{You levelled up!}

""!!" it worked!"Ferris said with a happy expression on his face.

(now the other one)

He went to the area with the highest concentration of macical energy, he began searching for the other demon commander, he singled it down to a statue that resembled that of a female body.

(it's small compared to the other demon commander I killed, it's a little smaller than me)

The ice statue began to crack and the demon suddenly broke out.

[bastard! What have you done to my work!] the demon girl shouted at him with an angry face.

{sword skill silent attack activated}

In an instant Ferris teleported behind her and stabbed her with no hesitation.

He had another plan for her, and he only stabbed her in the chest instead of cutting her.

(hmm she's female demon... Well it doesn't matter)

He slowly stepped back from the corpse.

"I removed a slot for this"

"summon angel"

Instead of normal flames covering her, Grey colored flames did, only what used to be her clothes turned into flames and her skin turned to smooth pure white maybe to reveal a bit more feminine features. ©( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)®

{Job has levelled up to 2!}

Ferris smiled at him self for thinking of this opportunity, he thought about what the female demon said about ruining her work, he noticed that the ice statues contained humanoid demons as if they were originally humans and there were countless of those same statues.

Ferris hid his new recruited angel back with his other angels.

(thanks to that girl I managed to level up once and obtain a new powerful angel, to think she did this in one spell honestly what terryifing power, if I were to fight her id likely die)

"thanks" ferris said while looking at the air

"if it was me then no problem" the same girl said while she was behind Ferris
