
Next level power [29]

(is this.. My job?!?!)

He refused to believe the job he had received, he expected something like swordman to appear but what actually appeared was more different than he anticipated.

{angel summoner}

>you can summon an angel by getting a corpse of a living thing, it doesn't matter if it's a demon, the level of the angel will depend on the strength of the corpse that is killed.

>for example if you kill a high ranking demon then you will receive a high ranking angel.

>the job will start at level 1 so you can't summon high ranking angels just yet.

>job level will rise by using the job.

>you can only summon angels by using the monster that you have killed.

"now this is something else jeeez....just from my past life characteristics I got this?"

He couldn't do anything about it since it's permanent, the first thing he did was using his job.

A portal suddenly appeared near him it was probably the exit but Ferris was busy thinking about his job.

(the higher the strength of the corpse the better the angel ill receive?")

He looked at the remains of Dracula, well its just dust now, when he got closer to the corpse a message appeared on top of it.

{angel summon can't be used on this target, reason the corpse is badly damaged}

(so it needs to be intact)

He quickly went to the town area to see the remains of the monsters he killed since most of them were intact.

The first monster he tried was the orc like bat creature he fought.

(this one is intact, now let's see what happens)

{angel summon can be used on this target}

>say any command phrase to commence the summon.

(a phrase?)

©I'm not putting ARISE here cuz that's just copying solo levelling lmao®

(i guess it can be anything)

"summon angel"

The corpse suddenly went up in flames, it's grey skin dissappeared and only flames were visible, soon the flames calmed down and the new beast kneeled in front of Ferris.

It's original form was kept including the bat head the only difference being that its body is in flames but it doesn't seem to bother the monster that much, it's eyes are now white flames, it's claws are still sharp looking but have a yellowish tint to it. Unlike normal angels it doesn't seem to have wings.

{low tier angel LV 1}

>an angel that can perform basic task like fighting.


>you can store angels and freely summon them when you need too.

>you can also remove angels to open up more slots for more powerful angels

>you can say any command phrase.

{angels slots used 1/20}

>the higher the job level the higher the slots and more powerful angels can be summoned.

(ahh I see, since there's hundreds of these guys I shouldn't have any problems, I should probably try angel summon from those flying bat's)

After a few minutes he finally filled all of the slots, he got 12 ground angels and only 8 flying ones.

(when I was going around the town these guys just keep following me... They don't seem to talk that much...well not that they didn't know how to talk in the first place. I think it's about time to store them away)

But before he did that he couldn't help but think, every time he summoned an angel the flames didn't feel that hot.

(is it really?)

He approached to one of the ground angels and touched their chest, it didn't hurt Ferris at all, he even got a piece of wood from the nearby broken houses and tested it also and the wood didn't burn, he also felt a physical form under all the flames.

(the flames doesn't hurt me.. Good to know, atleast I won't burn everything down if I were to summon these guys in a forest)

"store the angels"

A swirl of flames began appearing below the summoned angels and dragged them down as if they were going down on a fast elevator.

(it's that simple? Well I'm not mad about my new job.)

(I should head back now, I even skipped dinner for this mission seriously I'm hungry I feel like my belly is going to consume me if I don't eat anything)


The elf back at the forest was still waiting and still fully awake even if the morning sun was about to come.

(how long do I have to wait did the portal led him to somewhere else and I just wasted my time?... No I have to stay alert)

The moment he was waiting for has come, a portal appeared at the same spot and Ferris stepped out of it.

(this is my chance!)

The elf throwed one of his daggers at high velocity, but it wasn't fast enough because ferris already saw it coming.

Ferris grabbed the handle of the dagger mid air like it was nothing, to him the dagger was like a paper being tossed to him.

(is it just me or did this dagger is in slow motion who threw this? )

Ferris looked at the direction where the dagger came from, due to his high sense stat he immediately recognized the elf.

*why is he..?" ferris said with a confused expression.

(Damm he cought the dagger I throwed at him and he knows that I'm here!)

(i have to get out, if I get cought I'm done for)

He thought while running away with a terrified face.

"what are you doing?" Ferris said while he was already behind the elf.

(shoot! He already cached up!)

"back away! Dont come any closer to me demon!"

The elf shouted while he was unsheathing his other dagger.

(wait demon? Me?)

"what are you talking about? im no demon" ferris said still keeping his confused face.

"don't lie to me!"

"why would I lie, I even saved your town.. Well thanks to your help, besides what makes you think that I'm a demon?"

"..." the elf said nothing

"if you aren't ganna say anything then I'm leaving"

Before Ferris could leave the elf said something to him.

"answer honestly are you a demon" the elf said pointing his dagger at ferris.

"No" Ferris said with a serious expression.

Ferris left the area with haste probably because his hunger couldn't take it anymore.

The elf was standing with the same position, pointing his dagger in the air where Ferris used to be standing, his body was visibly shaking he was so scared that he couldn't even move.

(H-his power its O-overwhelming me)

Ever since Ferris exited the gate his aura seemed to changed, he was twice his original power.. No maybe I little more higher than twice.


(now that I think about it I haven't seen my stats yet after the boss fight)

(open stats)


Title:Vampire Hunter

>Increased damage to bloodsucking monsters.

Job:Angel summoner









Dark slash

-swinging the sword fires a dark slash.

Shadow travel

-step on a shadow and move through it, limit of 5 meters but the higher the level the higher the distance.


-consume the enemies mana to your own but only 25% of it.


-50% increase movement speed, every second it will consume your mana.

(wow my stats have increased and I have a title now? It must be from killing all those vampire type monsters do i have to kill a large amount of the same enemies?)

(forget about that im hungry and tired)
