
Blood Sucker 2 [28]

©I edited the tournament arc since its a failure lol you don't have to read it back, the changes really don't effect the plot, if you see any notifications for updates it's just me cleaning my novel. Don't bother®

{Boss name : Vlad Dracula Tepes}

(I'm not even surprised...)


>Warning, Dracula is using the skill Dlood Drain

It will drain 10 of your hp every second.

"nows that's rude, but I got something similar"he said with a smirk.

>Skill Consumer Activated

25% of Dracula's mana will be taken

Ferris sensed a sunden surge of mana within him, Dracula also sensed that his mana was taken from him. Dracula's expression turned into something like that of a killers face and he began hissing at him like any vampire would do.

(looks like he is pissed that's not good, I didn't bought any buff potions from the store because I had issues with my money)


In an instant Dracula closed the long distance and tried to bite him with his sharp fangs, luckily Ferris reacted in time thanks to his high sense stat to dodge it with his neck intact.

(Damm this guy is already trying to suck me dry, I aint letting that happen!)

Ferris tried to quickly slice Dracula's head of but it was useless since Dracula blocked it easily with his steel like claws. The fight echoed through out the entire castle, their clashes vibrated through the walls and all the metal clanging can make an ordinary person's ear burst.

They exchanged blows that never seemed to end, some of the quick slashes made by Ferris landed and some of Dracula's hits were landing also, both of them were equal in speed, strength and other attributes.

(Vampires weaknesses are usually getting pierced in the heart or the sunlight, I have to find a way to trick him into getting outside)

Ferris tried to get closer to the exit gate but not to suddenly since Dracula might notice his plan.

(Damm my sword, it's about to break and it's the last one)


He made extras using the spare material he had.

When Dracula rushed towards him with the usual insane speed, ferris quickly ducked making Dracula kick open the main door behind Ferris, Dracula finally realized his plan but it was to late.

"I'd like to see you stop at that speed your at Dracula!"

Dracula began to burn from the sun but since the sky is covered with ash clouds only about half of the sun's rays were hitting the ground.

(looks like it isn't enough)

>Skill Accelerate activated

>Skill Shadow Travel activated

He used multiple combinations of those two skills get outside with the shortest amount of time, when he was outside he grabbed one of the long wooden stakes that were impaling the severed heads.

While Dracula is still in the air, Ferris threw the long wooden spear with tremendous force behind it, the spear quickly approached Dracula's heart and pierced him cleanly, even going pass through him with his heart sticking at the spear's tip. The Vampire fell to the ground screaming in pain.


"huh so he could talk.." Ferris said with a chuckle

When the vampire fell to the ground the body quicklt turned into a pile of ash only leaving his clothes behind.

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

"nice, I levelled up 3 times"

{Ding! }

You have killed all of the 1000 monsters, the job you will obtain will be determined by your pass life like your emotions and characteristics, note the job you will obtain is permanent and cannot be changed.

(emotions and my characteristics? How is that ganna affect the jod ill receive...)

While reviewing your past life please wait for 1 atleast 1 minute.

(so it takes some time to process?, while I'm waiting in ganna check the drops)

Ferris approched the now dead Dracula which was not to far from him, he only saw a pile of ash but what was most important to Ferris were the drops.

(hmm these are)


>the weapon used by Dracula's son Alucard, and the same sword that was used to kill Dracula, its a long sword that is made from the blood of countless vampires, the blood was absorbed by the sword making it stronger than the most hardest of metals sold in the market.


Vampires thirst

>each successful cut from the sword will heal a little bit of your HP depending how lethal or deep the cut is.


Blood hunt

>all of the nearby enemies HP will be taken bit by bit and be given to you, has a cooldown of 2 hours and last for 2 minutes.

Silent attack

>allows the user to teleport behind an enemy, cool down 50 seconds.

(these are some useful abilities, now let's see what the atk is...)


(120 atk!?! Really? All from that single fight?!)

Ferris felt kinda shameless for receiving such a fine weapon from a single fight but all in all he was greatful.

The sword was almost 2 meters tall. the handle and the pommel had a sharp end to it and at the start of the blade all the way to the tip there were red veins, it's as if the sword was made for display because of the fine designs of the guard and the pommel even the blade itself, the blade is insanely sharp and tough for its short width.


(Oh its finished let's see...)


(is this.. My job?!?!)
