
Where it all began [31]

In the eastern area of the world, a landmass of large proportions is resting peacefully, "Jushi" the largest continent on the entire planet or the western people call it "Pangea".

A large hurricane is currently approaching Pangea with haste but it was no ordinary hurricane, the normal ones being in dark color, instead it was red it looked exactly like a hurricane straight from hell.

"oh! I got a big catch" he said happily while sitting down on a wooden chair.

"hey Li Qui! Stop being so lazy" he said while shouting at him like he was about to kill him.

"what?! Jeolous because you can't even catch a single fish? Haha"

Two fishermen brothers were currently fishing peacefully at their usual spot, until they saw the red hurricane coming straight towards them, being awfully worried they went straight back to their homes inside a large town near a port.

They spread the news of a red hurricane coming straight this way, the people couldn't believed what they were saying, a red hurricane? Magic and sorcery is normal but a red hurricane? It's something else.

The news spread like wildfire throughout the continent quickly reaching a nearby kingdom, one of many many kingdoms in Pangea, but it was already too late the hurricane made landfall and continued its path straight towards the capital leaving a visible trail of destruction with buildings seemingly covered in a red substance, maybe blood?

The hurricane was a speedy one, reaching the kingdom in just a few hours so it dednt give time for the people to fully evacuate the area. When the hurricane's eye was at the center of the kingdom a large earthquake suddenly emerge out of nowhere which reduced the large kingdom to just small rocks but its not over, yet another earthquake appeared even stronger than the first one.

The ground cracked as thousand upon thousands of residents were screaming for safety, you would hear Incomprehensible audio of just screaming people and in just minutes the screaming suddenly stopped, the only thing left was a giant hurricane quietly hovering in the skies and a giant castle with unearthly architecture the sprouted from the massive cracks the earthquake made.


A large glass door opened at the highest point of the castle, and a demon about 2 times larger than the most massive of humans emerged from the dark and misty room.

He viewed the vast wasteland that was once a beautiful Eastern kingdom.

[finally some quiet and fresh air] he said, as misty smoke came out from his mouth.

[this should be the last invasion I think]

[come out... ]

Black smoke appeared behind him and a man with full black armor appeared from the smoke, he didn't hesitate to kneel when he saw his king.

[My King.. It has been long] A manly voice came out from his helmet as he began to talk.

[Cain, figure out where we are and plan our attack]

He said without even bothering to turn around to say it face to face.

[Of course my King]

The black knight then disappeared from the black



"So where are we going now?" Kai said while looking up the air walking.

"Honestly I don't know, by the way is this how the hero should act?" Sarya said while being completely fatigue from all the walking.

It's been days since they left the Mountain kingdom. All they did was walking, following a random dirt path they found in the woods, hoping they could finally find a place to rest.

"well I think a hero should be atleast treated better than this, where's the good food, where's the cool weapons and armor.... haha....."

After walking they stumbled upon two path ways leading to different directions, they saw a wooden pole with arrow signs saying East and West.

"West is always lucky..." Sarya said

After walking a few meters on the west path way her sword suddenly shined and pulled her towards the East path as if a strong magnet was pulling the sword.


She struggled to hold herself back from the sword with utter confusion in her face. After a few seconds of tug of war the sword easily one making her fly all the way to the East path.

"OK.... What was that??!" Sarya shouted while she was lying on the ground face kissing the dirt.

Well there were swords in the world that had a mind of its own but those were very rare just seeing it once in your life is considered very lucky. She ultimately decided to follow the East path, she tried going back to the west path a couple of times but she always loss.

Both of them rested for a while. Before they knew it they stumbled upon a particular elf village, The village was in a bad shape but it's still running well.

Sarya and Kai were stopped by elf soldiers, the situation was pretty bad since their dialect were diffrent.


©Kai being a damned r3tard actually is pretty smart since he learned the western language by himself AAAANNNNNDDDDD the system has a language assist®

The Chief of the village quickly came to asses the situation since he knew the Human tounge well, he told Sarya of what happened to the village and why it's still alive even though with the visible destroyed houses.

"Wait! What did you say his name was?!" Sarya suddenly asked with a hopeful face.

"you mean the person who helped us?.... He told me his name was Ferris"

Sarya's face was in pure disbelief but this is her first lead into finding him.

(Finally a lead! If I happen to find him I can thank him properly)

The chief told them were Ferris was going and it was to a nearby kingdom not far from the village, after hearing this news both of them quickly went to the kingdom but before they went out the chief stopped them.

"since you know the person who helped us ill give both of you mounts to aid you since you can't just run all the way there"

As Sarya was about to leave the elf that Ferris met was listening to their conversation, since it was near night time, he left the village once it was night time leaving a note to his father to follow Sarya and Kai.

With his new found spirit he easily catched up to both of them, as he approached them the elf tried to convince Sarya that he was about to join their party.

"Wait.. You ran all the way here?"sarya said with a stunned face.

"it was no problem but please let me join you" he pleaded

As Sarya is seeing the elfs face she remembered her teachers last request of gaining companions.

"hah... S-sure why not"

The elf was fine leaving the village, since the demon is killed there won't be much attacks from demons now and the elf soldiers are more than capable of defending the village from the forest monsters or the low grade demons.

"So you haven't told us your name" Sarya said to the unnamed elf.

"it's Seig" he answered.

"Well... Seig welcome to the party. You can hop on my mount since I don't want Kaiju here to transfer his bad influence to you"
