
Found you [32]

"-yawnn.. - I think it's about time to close the gate.."

The guardsman was about to close the gate since its already turning night, the gate would usually close at this time since the rate of monsters spawning is at its high especially midnight.

Before he was about to begin closing the gate he took a glance at the void that was once a bright forest at daytime....


He felt slight tremors then a slight sound of people, by time the noise grew louder and more clear to hear. The guard was stationed at an entrance were people rarely even use, unlike the main entrance to the castle it was more lit up and the path is made up of a smooth road of rock

(why would people even use this gate, they could've just used the main gate since it's safer and always open 24 hours a day)

"leave the gate open!!" Sarya shouted as she is cruising at top speed with her mount.

The guard jumped away with fear eventually landing in the hard surface of dirt. The mounts she was using were so fast that when she passed the gate heavy gust of winds followed behind her, the winds blew away some of the dust and it covered the guards face, it really wasn't his best day.

"ughhh.. I hope I can get stationed at the main gate for once atleast....."

Sarya and her comrades quickly dismounted their rides. Seig told Sarya that the mounts can go back on their own without help, Seig quickly ordered the mounts to leave.

The guard shrugged the dirt off his face and continued his duty to close the gate then he heard another noise coming from inside the kingdom instead at the outside.

(Again?! I won't be fooled twice)

The guard quickly went out of the way so he wouldnt be cought with all the dust. As the mounts went outside they slowly disappeared inside the void of trees.


(how did I get myself into this..)

Somewhere in a fancy restaurant on the upper parts of the kingdom, ferris found himself in a tight position, the girl took him to a restaurant since its already dinner time, she intented to get as much information from him as possible like asking what his abilities are, skills, what weapons he has.

"it's some form of necromancy right?" she asked while eating her steak.

(my position is tight, if I try to escape she'll freeze me)

"I'll let you go if you answer mybquestions, don't worry it'll be quick, I mean no harm to you."

Only a few minutes went by and Ferris answered the surprisingly easy questions, but he didn't reveal the levelling system to her.

"i see... well that's all my questions"

"why are you asking me anyways"

She placed her tea down on the table and let out a long sigh.

"you can say I'm an E rank among the E ranks that's why I make it up by learning more knowledge, anyways you can leave now"

"oh really? (thank God.)"

Ferris silently went away from the area, as he went outside he looked at the starry night and the vast landscape made up of houses stacking on top of each other.

(i thought I was screwed for a moment there but I guess it turned out fine..... I didn't even say thank you for the meal. How rude of me..)

He slowly went down a stone road in a spiral shape eventually leading to the lower areas of the kingdom, he passed trough many neatly placed lamps along the way.

He know needed a place to sleep for the night, he didn't mind what location it was as long as it has a clean bed and an affordable price.

(it's so lively..."?" is that)

Ferris saw two people he somewhat recognized, it was actually the two guards he met back when he was saving the kidnapped villagers.

(i had a hood on back then so it's should be fine if I just waltz right past them)

As Ferris passed through them he felt a grip at his shoulder.

"hey you!" someone shouted.


"it feels like I met you before" he casually said while eating his kebab.

"I think you've got the wrong person... (Wait why did I let them hear my voice!)"

"it's you! From back then"

Ferris expected a fight so he prepared himself at the last second but instead the guard just simply patted his shoulder while laughing, he actually thanked him for saving the villagers.

"so you did it for the money then" Ferris asked

"yeah besides both of ua where just mercenaries"

"won't that get you into trouble?"

"hah.. The world is a huge place so running away is actually a nice option" he casually answered

"anyways it was nice meeting you. Fate must've made us meet again oh and again thank you"

They eventually parted ways, Ferris slowly disappeared in the huge crowd.

"bro you forgot to ask for his name" his brother told him.

"I don't care.. we will probably meet again"


Ferris eventually stumbled upon an inn that was quiet and away from all the people.
