
Impending doom approaches [33]

As the bright sun quietly looked down upon earth Sarya was quietly and intently staring at Kai's back while both of them were walking, Kai's hair was long, perhaps even longer than that of a normal girl.

(Are guys from the eastern continents have hair this long?)

Sarya even more so intently stared at Kai's long hair, soon Kai felt a strong presence that was behind him, an uneasy feeling, he took quick peeks behind him. Eventually he turned his head.

"how long have you been staring at my hair"

"2 minutes" Sarya answered without hesitation. Not even a hint of embarrassment in her expression, in fact she looked curios on why his hair is so long.

"Are hairs for guys normally like this?"

In some of the east continents, women preferred men to be more weak and frigile, they viewed this as attractive because men looked more vulnerable, however this answer is centuries ago to the people so they slowly forgot, long hair eventually turned into the normal stantard for males

As Sarya listened to Kai's explanation she looked at his muscular body and his male attributes.

(heh... Weak and fragile, yeah right...)

As they continiued walking they stumbled upon something unnatural, a sort of competition for body builders challenging their strength against others.

"We have a winner!" the announcer shouted at the larger crowd.

The winner looked jacked, as if his muscle fibers where the sizes of handles. Maybe the word over-buffed was fitting for him. The winner suddenly looked at where Sarya is, suddenly he jumped towards them flying over the large crowd, as he landed, the ground shaked even the stone pavement suffered some cracks.

"You there...."

The large guy placed his massive hands on Kai's shoulder. Kai felt a forceful grip, he made himself prepared for a fight but when the large guy talked, his intentions where clearly friendly.

"fascinating muscles you have there lad" he said while smiling.

"I've met a guy similar to you yesterday, hmm I belive his name was Ferris. Now that I think about it sounds like that of a female no?"

Sarya jumped when she heard him say Ferris, she immediately asked about him, where he last saw him or where he is currently located.

"ahh, his a mysterious guy all I know is his name but I saw him yesterday night, he went that way"

He pointed at a direction where it was deserted, not much people seemed to go there.

As Sarya stared into the road that leads there, Sieg finally met up with her.

"oh what took you so long?"

Sieg looked tired and messy, his expression looked disturbed by something, he swallowed the dry saliva that built up from his mouth.

"humans bathrooms are weird, are girls usually that violent normally? "

Kai and Sarya chuckled when they heard the last part of his message, when Sieg asked what's wrong while wiping his face with cloth, Sarya just said nothing, right now she has more important things to do.

As they asked each resident that lived in that area they finally stumbled upon the correct one, an old and a worn down inn.


As Ferris sat in a chair exploring the system and its capabilities, he heard a sudden knock on the door.

(maybe it's the owner, I did only asked for 1 night, I guess it's time to leave)

"yes I'll lea-....


Ferris instantly closed the door when he saw her face, at the other side.

" oi! Open the door and accept my thanks, if not I'll get my friend here to kick the door down! " Sarya shouted at the door.

(i guess I should

Ferris eventually got the courage to open the door again.


"finally now ahem. Thank you for saving my village" she said as she bowed I front of Ferris in a 90 degree angle.

"oh, well it wasn't much of a problem sorry I didn't save it in time it's my fault"

"oh I see.."






Sarya expected a bit of a more emotional moment, with tears in her eyes as she wrapped her soft arms and tightly hugged Ferris. But instead it was over in just a 12 second conversation.

Ferris looked towards the elf I'm her left, he didn't expect to encounter him again.

"oh its you..."


Eventually all of them finally sat down outside, and chatted, Ferris answered all of Sara's question as Sarya answered all of ferris questions. Sieg was still skeptical about Ferris still not trusting him.

While they were chatting, the surroundings suddenly got dark as if a giant cloud covered the skies, but instead of a cloud giant flying demons covered the skies, not even a single ray of sunlight can penetrate the horde.

Suddenly again they heard loud explosions and small tremors. black smoke rose from the distance.

The kingdom was large, while on top of a hill you coild still see large houses stretch far and wide around the kingdom. But the sudden horde of flying demons looked like it could cover the entire kingdom in a black dome, as if it was a large mouth eating the kingdom whole.

"oh... this is worse than those bats" Ferris mumbled to himself.
