
Cruise [41]

The rays of the sun penetrated the forest like yellow lazers, flowers bloomed and the leaves faced the burning sun to generate their energy. Sarya just recently woke up. her eyes sored, and her body stiff like a rock, it's like one of those days when you wake up but can't move one of your arms, you can move it but everytime you slightly lift a finger a zap goes through your arm.

She tried waiting it out, eventually the zap when you try to move grew weaker and weaker until there was no more, her body still disobeyed her. Lily woke up, she immediately stopped Sarya from trying to move, forcing her to just rest her back in some random tree, Kai woke up suffering the same thing, he also got stopped by Lily.

"My body feels like shit..." She exclaimed

The survivors also woke up and they packed their belongings soon after, eventually only Lily, Kai, Sarya, and Sieg remains. Lily looked for Ferris but he was nowhere to be seen, what she did find was a note on top of a box covered with white cloth, she read it in her mind saying

"(Sorry had to go somewhere fast, I left food so enjoy, bye) "

Right after reading that note, Sieg woke up with full recovery unlike the two, he stood up touching the location where he got punched really hard. They quickly ate the package Ferris left, Lily just spoon fed the both although there were some difficulty doing it. Right now Lily had the responsibility of taking care of two people, she had confidence with the task at hand because she had a similar experience back then which made her get to Diamond rank. She quickly did some magic to make them float like balloons, getting them to a nearby lake. Their clothes got drenched with dried sweat, and Sarya's armor got rotted with visible rust but a little magic can fix those.

"ok, now strip.. Both of you"

Oddly enough they listened while still floating they took of their clothes, Sarya straight up took out everything including underwear and Kai just left his underwear on. Lily got surprised with Sarya's action at first but with a slight push they floated towards their destination like modules floating towards a space station to connect itself, tapping her staff on the ground once, the floating affect went out making the both splash on the lake.

The lake was right in the middle of the forest, not much goes there except a few animals, it was filled with harmless fish, you can even make yourself go naked without any worries of someone watching you. Both of them floated there like dead fish, only a heavy breeze could move them. They definitely felt refreshed since they probably haven't even taken a bath in the past few days.

"(Perhaps I should join them, I do take a bath atleast once a day) " she thought

Before taking of her mage robes she asked Sieg to join, but he declined.

"unlike the rest of the races, us elves don't really need to take a bath, our bodies naturally clean itself"

He went back to the deep forest, finding himself into an open area where trees didn't block the full power of the sun's sunlight. In the middle was a small rock to seat on, he sat there basking the sunlight like the rest of the plants, maybe its some sort of photosynthesis, the heat of the sun didn't bother him, elves don't even get tan.

Meanwhile Lily took of her robes until only her underwear remained, she has the magic spells to instantly dry themselves so she didn't really had any problems dealing with wet clothes. Her body really shined. quite litterly, she had pretty light skin.

She swimmed towards the two, she was pretty adept at swimming, crossing the large lake in a few minutes. She looked away as she soon saw Sarya's naked body floating.

"don't you have any shame?" Lily asked

"what do you mean?" Sarya asked back

"oh forget it"

Lily dived into the the depths of the lake, exploring the fishes that lived there and whatever you could do in the bottom of the lake, she used magic to hold her breath for long periods of time so she was living as if she was on land.


Ferris hitched a ride in a cart going to the nearest port he can go to. The cart wasn't really nice, it looked like it was at its expiration date, the wood rotted and the cloth that was on top of the cart had many small holes in it letting the heat of the sun get through. It was a rough ride but he endured it.

A few days went by, Ferris finally reached the port, it was a large port town with massive cargo ships holding equally large cargo, and massive cruise ships holding equally large amount passengers.

As he hitched a voyage going to were he wanted to go, the nearby continent, Sarya and Kai quickly healed during the past few days of just resting.
