
Sea Sick [Shorts]

You could here hundreds of people chatting, it was overpopulated. The many birds that also hitched the voyage pooped on the deck of the Cruise ship like while pain balls. All the people on board had to wait this nightmare out, some of the people got sea sick and rushed to the railings to vomit at the sea.

"(ugh, I'm 9 hours in and I'm getting sea sick)" he exclaimed in his mind

The ship was pretty humongous and high class, the upper part of the ship contained the first class people, they had the best luxury of course while the lower class passengers had a bit of a rough ride. The ship will take two days to reach the nearest continent, so all the view he got was the sea, the sky, and some clouds. Each of the room was tight, as if it was a submarine where it had four beds in one tiny room.

You could hear the conversations on the other side due to the paper like walls. If you were sleeping and you don't have much of an affinity to stay on boats then good luck sleeping, the dizziness that Ferris felt like the world was going circles around him but he endured until he reached his destination.

He did it, the only thing he had to do was take a bath somewhere, change clothes, and catch another ride, perhaps a little bit of a better ride, towards the targeted country of Aussi.

"(I checked the date and 10 years have passed when I was gone, be alive please...)" he hoped
