
A little help [45]

The finals were over and the remaining fifty student passed and the last man standing got the best results. If you were in the top ten, it's pretty much guaranteed that you're ganna have a successful life with no worries. The arena was now deserted, the seats were empty and it was dead quiet.

It was over, the students who didn't make it had to go back to square one. The winners celebrated with their families and friends while those who failed didn't. Sarya and the rest got down using the large platforms. The party searched for the little girl and eventually they found her walking towards the woods just outside the kingdom, they quietly followed her.

"Sarya.. Isn't this what humans call stalking?" Sieg whispered

"shut up Sieg you wouldn't understand, she saved us back then"

"whatever you say human"

After a few minutes of stalking, the little girl finally made it to her house which was a small house that looked worned out in years. Noone was there, just her alone. She opened the front door which was broken, when she went inside she closed the door behind her and fell on her butt. She was about to lean back using the door as a back rest but since the door was broken, the door just opened making her back fall to the ground. Tears went out from her eyes, she covered her face using her hands and began gripping them.

"that's just sad" Kai said to the others

Her hands slid downwards to her cheeks, like a mad person she ripped her cheek skin off out of sheer guilt using her fingers leaving three lines of ripped skin at each cheek, it's probably ganna turn into permanent scars when they heal. The tears and blood mixed together, she didn't care about the pain all she did was say the words at the sky.

"I'm sorry, mother, father, I'm sorry I failed you"

"I think it's about time to go" Sarya notified the others


The girl was the daughter of a high ranking noble, her father was a teacher and was about to become the principal of the whole kingdom, he was a great mage blessed with mana and the same goes for his wife, such a strong and powerful pair. You would expect that they would give birth to a miracle child with extraordinary powers but that wasn't the case yet they still loved her.

Just as her father was about to get the promotion he was secretly killed by one of his colleague teachers, he was coldly murdered by one of his colleagues. The others claimed it was a simple accident. His wife knew it but she was quickly silenced by the teachers, they probably did it because of jealousy. They payed no attention to their child however, what can a child do against an entire school ruled by powerful mages.

The teachers quickly covered up everything down to their names and faces as if they didn't exist almost like the Soviet Union who killed their own Communist heroes who didn't behave well just to secure the country's good picture. Every portrait that had the faces of these killed people were silently edited out, gone from reality and the people didn't even notice.

The girl almost lived her entire life all alone, her family's money also got confiscated so she had to make do on what she had left. These were the words that she told to Sarya.

"it's over for me now... Is it?" the girl told Sarya.

"well.. You can always retake the school year right?" Sarya answered

"if only I had infinite chances.. But sadly that was my second attempt"

The girl didn't had much of a plan for the future, her tears slowly calmed down. And asked Sarya.

"sorry I called you peseants back then... Oh and"

"?" Sarya looked confused

"no thank you for me? After I saved you? "

Sarya quickly thanked her, they got along well. The tears disappeared, her blood dried and her broken skin suddenly stopped bleeding. The pain was gone.

"girls can really be quick changing emotions huh?" Kai told Sieg

"what did you say?!" Sarya replied with anger, probably because he ruined the moment.

"see?" he pointed at Sarya while looking at Sieg
