
Finally back [46]

Without a second thought he ran towards the direction where the orphanage is located, before he came to back time has passed ten years. The road had a bit more grass to it, the area seemed to be dense with trees but he recognized the specific trees he used to see back at his first life.

(that weirdly shaped tree.. I'm close)

He picked up his speed, even using his sprint skill to go even faster. The wind following behind him plucked some of the tree leaves. He came to a full stop, just right in front of him was the main gate. It's rusty so no one must've cleaned it in the past years, the stone pavement was littered with decayed leaves and bird poop. He began to have doubts whether or not there were still people inside the orphanage.

The gate made a terrible screeching noise that pained the eae, it was hard to open due to all the rust building up. A gust of wind pushed the decayed to his face, you could hear an eeire noise or maybe that's just his imagination. He took a step inside as his doupts grew larger but he still hoped.

He took it slow one step at a time as more gust of winds made his hair flow like water, After a good few minutes of walking he finally made it. Sadly it's abandoned, deserted of people. The only living things were a flock birds vibing on the roof top and some random deers and racoon.

The door was open so he went inside, he knew where to go since it used to be his home. All the rooms were at the right places, except for a few desk missing or relocated. The first destination was his adoptive father's office room.

A creaking noise was made when he opened the door leading to his father's office, it was empty of course and really dusty but there was one letter partly opened sitting at his father's desk. He opened it and it read the words.

°•○●to whoever is currently reading this, sorry the orphanage is closed because we completed our mission. We don't get as much children now and our orphans are quickly getting sent new families, basically we pretty much went out of business but I'm happy. I had a son named Sabaoth but sadly he didn't really make it up until this point. Feel free to do what you want with this orphanage or maybe you could start the business again●○•°

°•Ferris, the owner of the orphanage •°

He nodded and quietly placed the letter back to where it used be, he went to the backyard to get some fresh air into his lungs. He slowly took deep breaths and slowly took in the new information he just saw in a short span of time.

(so that's how it is huh? Heh Father, you're probably long dead now)

He took more deep breaths, he finally realized that he was still wearing the slave clothes so he switched, the forest only gave him the sounds of nature until he heard the screeching of the gate, the noise echoed through the whole area making the birds fly away. Someone just came in, Ferris quickly activate stealth to check.

He quietly watched on top of the roof, what he saw was totally unexpected. He was captured because he was mistaken by someone else, that means there is someone similar in looks to him around the capital. Who knew that same person just walked inside the orphanage.

(What do i do now? Do I capture him or something? I can't go hiding forever, I'm pretty much a 5 star criminal through out the country and I'm bound to be killed by powerful hunters that can pretty much one shot me)

He scrolled through the systems shop looking for anything useful, the text passed by so quickly that it's indescribable except Ferris saw all of it in slow motion because of his high Sen Stat. Eventually he saw whta he probably needed, Knock Out Gas.

(the description better be correct)

He sneakily teleported behind him using his sword's handy abilities, what he held was a lighter like object and quietly got it under the criminal's nose.


The metal cover opened and made a noise similar to a bullet's casing falling to the ground. A gas that distorted the air like the hot desert or hot roads. As the gas made its way up the guys nose he almost instantly collapsed.
