
Questions [52]

The wind crashed on his face as he rode his staff, a huge flock of birds was about to meet him but they pulled away. The giant flock looked like a giant wave made up of birds, the way the birds flew together was perfect. One bird turns, all of them turn at the same time. The whole flock looked like an amorphous bloob of birds that kept changing in forms, it's a nice sight to see from afar but when your directly inside it all you hear is the annoying sound of chirping and wings violently flapping in front of your face.

"oh shi -inaudible muffled complaining- Gahh! Stupid bird! Watch where you're flying!"

A bird smashed into his face, it's claws scratched his face like an angry cat but a bit more deadly. His face suffered some heavy bleeding but it disappeared when he wiped it off like sweat, the wounds disappeared as if nothing happened. Soon after that he finally crossed the wave of birds, only suffering from poop stains on his robe.

He saw four magical presence, that's what the grandmage saw. Four brightly lit fireballs right next to each other, that is was he saw. He saw it clearly, just inside the forest. It was night so he couldn't see much in the dark but his eyes didn't lie to him. He stood on his staff like a skate board and he drifted down the air like a skateboarder going down a ramp.

"don't mind if I crash your dinner" he said to them while falling down with his staff


"so.. Where are we all going" Egam asked to all of them

"I don't know" they all said in unison

Suddenly a person came down uninvited, he stopped just above their heads in a smooth transition of fast to slow. He jumped off his staff and it followed him like a pet. The grandmage looked around first then finally landing his eyes on Egam.

"wow! You've grow~~not grown.. Jeez your pretty small for your age" he told her

She definitely knew that he is the grandmage of Gracia but its pretty sure that she is feeling uncomfortable now.

"excuse me?" she replied

"oh yeah, you were a baby back then" he said

He casually sat on the grass to take a breather, his aura didn't tell anything dangerous but it did tell that he was incredibly laid back for a person of his status and power. He glanced at Sarya and smiled.

"hello hero Sarya, we haven't met before right? I'm Houdini but you can call me Harry" he said to her while offering a harmless handshake

"um.. Sure" she replied while accepting his handshake

Everyone was in surprise when this Harry casually appeared out of nowhere and suddenly saying weird things to Egam. At this point Egam's curiosity got the better of her and asked him something.

"... Your a grandmage, w-what are you even doing here?" she asked with a suprised tone

"you! Are Egam, the daughter of my friend aka your father" he said with a smile

"you know my father?!" she asked with an even more suprised tone

There was some sort of a connection here. Egam was even more curious the moment Harry said that, she asked another question but she was cut off by him.

"you know I owe your father alot, he even told me how to do fireball when we were back at elementary school. We were good friends back then until.. You know, he died from back stabbed"

Harry knew of her father's death of course but there was nothing he could do, the news of Gracia's grandmage suddenly attacking the new principal that replaced Egam's father would cause quite a bit of drama.

"I'm surprised that you're alive, I thought you died with your father. The last time I saw you was when you were a newborn child, you have no idea what my face looked like when I saw your familiar presence"

They talked for almost an hour while the rest joined in the chat as well, especially Sarya when she asked him about that test she was put through, whether the child was actually self aware or not.

"oh that? That was a lie too.." he answered

"oh I see.. But I can't believe you used me to test the safety of your chamber or whatever it's called

"yeah sorry about that.. So anyways I made a Royal knight look like you"

That last sentence was too sudden for Sarya and she began asking more questions.

"do my family know this?!"

"I'm sure the kings got that covered so don't worry, besides the people need to see the hero anyways.. With you not around what else could we do"

"ahh.. I see then"

Harry suddenly looked at Sieg for some reason and Harry started to grab something from his forehead, Sieg hesitated at first but he was too curious to know why he was doing that.

"yoink" he said

A tiny elf with dragonfly wings appeared, she glowed in a soft green color as the wind of the surrounding forest got a bit stronger. Harry's pinch held her tiny green hair, she struggled but her tiny arms couldn't even reach Harry's fingers. One could say that it was pretty cute.
