
Succesor 2 [51]

He stood there silently as he combed his messy hair. He snapped his fingers and the ground started to tremble, the fallen buildings scattered around the school rose up to the sky like they were being pulled by an invisible rope. He proceeded to move his hand multiple times and made hand signals as if he was talking to a deaf person using sign language.

The clouds of smoke cleared away, the people that were still alive or barely even breathing got healed. The demons got restrained by an invisible force, those who could use magic suddenly was suddenly unable to and all of them got clustered into one spot. A giant ball of demons formed, defenseless, harmless, and restrained of their power.

The grandmage stood there watching the ball of flesh and blood, he pointed at them with an open palm. He swallowed his saliva and his guilt, they used to be human of course but he really couldn't do anything about it besides freeing the trapped souls.

"goodbye" he said to the giant ball

Like a snake attacking its prey with high speeds, his hand quickly formed a tightly clenched fist. It's like he was grabbing a mosquito flying in front of him. The once giant ball turned into the size of a pebble, the sound was almost indescribable to one's own ear but unnaturally, it sounded similar to a giant boulder being crushed.

It was a black pebble and it didn't seem to even resemble flesh at all, It's like it turned into stone or obsidian. It was obviously heavy if course, it would just go straight through your hand if you tried hold it with your palm. The pebble gravitated towards him to the now open palm of the grandmage. It smoothly landed like a plane however he did not bear the huge weight of it, it's like he was just holding a normal peddle.

He clenched his fist yet again and opened it, only to find that the black pebble suddenly vanished. It was like an old school magic trick were magician's would fool kids. Where could a giant ball of flesh and blood that is compressed into a pebble disappear to? He could've just made it disappear out of existence or burned it into nothing.

As if nothing weird just happened, he continued to do the fast hand signals without pause. Viewed from afar, the school looked like it was being reversed in time. The large broken pieces of the buildings and houses all the way to the tiniest dust returned to form the original as if it wasn't destroyed in the first place. In a matter of a good ten minutes, everything was alright and fine but the streets were littered with corpses of dead people. You cannot escape death, he didn't remove the corpses or anything but all he did was clean their clothes, wipe their blood and close their eyes.

All the dead people were just lifeless ragdolls waiting to be returned to their own families and be properly buried. The healed people who only numbered in a thousand out of the tens of thousands of students, residents or passing by mages and adventures or whoever they were when they were alive.

One mother saw her son lying on the streets, she thought he was sleeping but as she touched his chest out of relief that relief turned into fear. There was nothing, no beat or breathing. She placed her ear on his chest to make sure, unfortunately there was nothing to be felt or heard. It was night already and the full moon stared at the kneeling and crying mother.

In the grand and beautiful office of the principal, the grandmage stood in front of a large decorated window. He stared at his reflection, then he turned to look at the people staring at the corpses. He took a deep long breath to ease himself.

(fuck~~~ what a day) he thought to himself

He aimlessly looked at a distant forest far away from the school, wait a minute he thought. He stepped back from the large window, and ran outside. He got his staff and flew towards the dense forest in a massive hurry and at the same time with an excited expression.


"look guys! I'm ganna show those humans what I can do!" the young Sieg told his friends

"hah! Your still 40 years old, what can you even do?" one of his friends questioned

"I'm ganna get strong! Then shows those humans what I'm made of-

"hey it's Dinner time get over here!" Sieg's father shouted

"coming!" the young Sieg said with a bright smile

His thin short legs ran back to his house, the young lad was eager to eat since his stomach grumbled that moment he heard his father. However when he was running, he heard a small call for his name made from a woman's voice. It was barely audible but the young Sieg's ears barely catched it, the sound came from a corner just left of him. The corner was a dark alley way, there's a saying "curiosity killed the cat" Sieg walking in to the darkness. The call for his name got louder and louder and then

"SIEG!" Sarya shouted

Sieg jumped and bumped into Sarya's head on accident. An elfs ear is sensitive, it could even be an erogenous zone if it's touched in a certain way correctly, they even have better hearing capabilities than humans do.

"uugh~ can you not scream at my ear when I'm sleeping?" Sieg told her while touching his forehead from the impact

"We have dinner, Egam agreed to do some magic to cook it.. Hehe its nice to have a mage around" Sarya said to him while rubbing her bumped forehead.
