
Answered [56]

(was I a bit aggressive myself? Well I did get irritated by her personality... maybe I'll ask for forgiveness when I see her again) Ferris said to himself

His destination was now blank, he didn't really have anything in mind. He wanted to go outside but since it was raining cats and dogs, it wasn't much of an option to choose.

"don't you need a few guards to keep watch on me?" he asked out of boredom

Charlotte formed a smug on her face that didn't match her beautiful face at all and answered without hesitation as if she was already waiting for this king of question.

"heh, did you forgot what I did to you? I almost killed you using my bare hands and instantly knocked you out with one slap, I think me alone is good enough to keep an eye on you, don't even think of trying anything that's out of the question because I'm with you and I'm here to slice your head off if need be" she said while her smug face slowly disappeared with every word she said to him.

Such an unexpected answer for a beauty like her. Under that beautiful face of hers, that perfect body of hers, and the shining blonde hair that could give Rapunzel a run for her money is a buff amazon that makes some men look like females, it's pretty much a strong and independent woman with a few extra steps.

(i almost forgot, she's ganna kill me in only one second if I try anything dumb. I shouldn't provoke her) Ferris told himself with worry

Just as Charlotte finished the sentence she made, the rain slowly calmed down to a light rain shower, just weak enough for your umbrella to not get torn apart by the heavy winds and rain. Ferris finally now had the chance to go outside, plus it was night already so the scene might be a bit more calm.

"can i go outside?" Ferris asked

"as long as you stay in the capital and I'm with you, it's fine" Charlotte answered

Ferris quickly asked for the nearest exit, grabbed an umbrella and headed outside. Ferris was like an impatient child waiting to go inside the theme park of his dreams while Charlotte was just the mother who struggled to keep up with her own child and making sure she keeps an eye on the child.

"oh theres just one umbrella left.. " Charlotte exclaimed

"don't worry, it's big enough to support the two of us" Ferris said

They made their way outside and when Ferris opened the door, a slight cold breeze greeted. Their skins tingled when the cold air made Contact, something like a cat's fur standing straight up when it's shocked.


"so, did you recognize it?" Parma asked

Parma was talking to a knight, his armor rotted in rust, his sword stained with the color red, He possessed scars that were equal to that of medals. At such a young age he earned many merits, plus he was an elf and at the same age as Parma as well.

"Parma.. what makes a great assassin?" the knight asked

"why ask me?" she replied with a soft smile

"Assassin needs speed, and females are usually faster and more agile than men, plus they are more flexible than men.. Well you can't have an assassin that can't even put his or her body into a tight corner to hide.. Or a buff guy as an assassin because you can't have an elephant as an assassin"

"straight to the point please" she said with an even softer smile

"as far as I know, these are highly trained assassins, probably trained since birth. Even some nobles can't afford to hire them.... Which means, a high ranking noble or perhaps even a king hired them for a mission. Most likely a rival nation or a country that is having disputes with us"

"there are two that have some disputes with us.. Which one do you think is our enemy?" Parma asked with her soft smile and eyes piercing the knights armor

"well, that depends on the king's orders.. Actually I've fought a few of those types of assassins in my life, all of them female.. I've even caught one stretching her body, those girls can make their back shoulders touch their butts by simply bending backwards, honestly it's a little creepy but... I'm finding it kinda erotic.. They make it as easy as breathing"

"what if I tell you that I can be as flexible as those assassins?" Parma said with a seductive smile

While the two were getting caught of track on what their supposed to discuss, two of the knight's aids were talking behind their backs like bullies talking trash behind your back without you noticing.

"oi oi, aren't they getting a bit distracted? And him having an acrobatic fetish? For a man of his standing.. It's pretty surprising. hey man... as an elf yourself.. How long will this phase last?" the aid whispered to the second aid

"it'll be gone once you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, I just hope they get into a relationship already so captain can finally get his act right.. And if he doesn't get a girlfriend yet, then us vice captains would have to be substitute" the second aid replied

The first aid was in doubt about the last part and was smiling to him.

"you think the both of us can replace him? Our captain can even rival the general and yet he still chooses the rank of captain" he said with confidence

"our captain won't rival the general if he still acts this way" the second aid replied with seriousness

"heh, serious as ever" the first aid replied
