
Yesterday [57]

(is this really it? It can't be...) Ferris thought to himself with sheer disbelief

The reaper guild, the one that Ferris ditched when he left the capital of a Gracia was like a little brother compared to what his eyes told him. The building was two times the height two times the thickness and triple the adventurers and workers inside. It was almost like a hotel decked with greenery and top tier architecture, it's like going inside without wearing a tuxedo just feels wrong but what Ferris saw through the large windows was something else.

"is this old shack?" Ferris asked Charlotte with doubt

"yes but why come here?"

(old shack... if it was ten years ago then the name would be accurate but this.... The guild name is just misleading) he said to himself with disbelief still flowing through his mind

Without a second thought Ferris went inside like a moth flying towards a bright light source. Believe it or not it was like a weird mix of a hotel a ball room a modern day cruise ship a forest a garden a park and a restaurant. Such a bizzare and chaotic mix, you'd expect a messy interior but you could feel the architects heart and soul was really used into the making of this magnificent building.

As he slowly opened the glass door he was greeted yet again with a cold air but it was clean air, in fact it smelled nice. It seemed like the guild headquarters also had some air-conditioning inside to keep.

"!!" Ferris reacted

A mage flew past above him, like a propeller plane doing a low pass. The air following the mage made the potted plants dance, even the rain got blown away as the mage flew through the glass door and into the endless sea of night sky.

"no speeding inside the headquarters you damned mage!" a worker said to the skies where the mage went to

"haah.. Sorry bout that, anyways what can I do for you?"

"I just want to explore the building, it's... my first time here" he said

"well we do have alot of restaurants and shops here so residents can also come besides adventurers"

Soon, the worker noticed a particular female knight that was standing beside Ferris. The worker immediately knew who she was and greeted her kindly.

"oh! Princess Charlotte, what brings you here?"

"I'm just keeping an eye on him" she said while pointing at Ferris using her eyes

"oh I see, then.. I'll be off now" the worker said and walked away

Even though everyone knew Charlotte was a princess, almost everyone treated her like a normal townsfolk. Instead of everyone flocking towards her like pigeons going after bread, the people instead respected her boundaries by not minding her own business or just casually greet her if you had the chance.

(i cant believe this is actually old shack, is this really all real? Wait.. Is this even considered a guild headquarters?)

There were rows upun rows of shops and restaurants, they even managed to squeeze in trees inside. Ferris was overwhelmed, he expected to see his old guild named old shack quite literally but only to find a five star guild with adventurers that can even out class Ferris in terms of strength.

(wait.. Is that)

He saw something hanging on the wall that was almost pure white in calor, a medium sized picture that had an almost rotting wooden frame and a picture that seemed to have worned out. He quickly ran towards it anticipating something, an open smile formed on his face like when you see something old but memorable.

(it's like it was yesterday)

Just below the rotting picture is a shining gold plate with the words of "the humble beginnings of old shack", the picture showed a group of people posing for a picture like graduating students posing for their last day of school. The guild master which seemed to look like a lumber jack was doing a peace sign using his fingers and just beside him was.

"it's me.." Ferris mumbled

Only 12 members existed when old shack started, Ferris being one of the first adventurers that joined old shack and him being the strongest out of the 12 members. Before old shack could grow it lost one of its best adventurers being Sabaoth aka Ferris.

Ferris was still in disbelief, to be one of the first adventurers to join such a powerful guild is a big deal. But the suprise doesn't end there, just behind the wall was his very own statue standing on a pedestal with the engraved words of "In memory of our first guild ace, Sabaoth"

(the hell? Is this me?.... they got the nose wrong though..) Ferris said to himself

After staring at the statue for a good minute, he finally decided to go somewhere else. The look and atmosphere of the place was like a modern day mall except with cosplayers going about their business. Unlike normal cosplayers, beast men have real animal ears, elves have real pointy ears and many more things that belonged to the realm of fantasy. It's even considered pretty normal for a full blown lizard man to eat icecream at a maid Cafe inside the large guild headquarters.

"I know a nice place here where I usually relax in, wanna come?" Charlotte said

"well.. lead the way" Ferris said with a smile

Ferris was pretty excited to explore the insides of his old guild, even though it was night his excitement kept his body active as if his excitement was a specially made drug to give him energy for the night.
