
Yesterday 2 [57]

His eyes filled with disbelief again, the air he was breathing was as natural as breathing inside a forest, perhaps even more natural. They walked up an endless fleet of stone stairs that seemed to go on forever even though it should be physically impossible for the building to have such space inside. Beyong the stair's railings was an army of tall bamboos, just like the stair's the bamboo forest seemed to go on forever beyond the capacity of the building.

"how did they do this?" Ferris said out of curiosity

"well... Honestly I don't really know myself" she replied while her head wandered around the area

The thick forest of bamboo easily hid the ceiling like curtains, the atmosphere had the feeling of somewhere between evening and the dead of night. They even managed to squeeze in a few food stalls along they way up, the people who were eating at the food stalls wore normal outdoor clothing but they gave the feeling of an experienced adventurer which made Ferris pull out another question.

"do they support an inn here?" Ferris asked with even more curiosity

"heh, inn? Don't you mean hotel? This guild is pretty special, they give the adventurers a good place too sleep and stay for free instead of having to earn money for themselves to get an inn but thats optional and it only applies for adventurers.. That also includes foreign adventurers who doesn't work for Old Shack but they have to pay for it" she immediately replied

(well.. In the past they did have dorms to stay but it was pretty much only one star, that's why I slept at the orphanage but those were the good times) Ferris said to himself while thinking heavily at the past

Charlotte was slowly getting tired of how many questions Ferris had for her, her saliva to fuel her speech was quickly running out almost like a bottle of water slowly leaking its water. Her walking style seemed to rock side to side as if she was a ship sailing through the rough seas, her eyelids was about to collapse, at this point she soon released a very heavy yawn unfit of her beauty.


"as if she was a ship sailing through the rough seas" Ships are commonly referred to as she, considering that Charlotte is a female it's kind of a coincidence for me to write that out, I just noticed this by the way Xd.

"hey let's go back to the castle, we should continue this tomorrow.. I'm ganna get another guard to replace me since I'm getting sleepy" she said while uncontrollably rubbing her eyes like a sleep deprived person

"ahh, your right let's head ba-


The people also walking up or down the stairs let out a small gasp when Ferris bumped into someone important. His eyes quickly opened wide when he saw the person he bumped into, it's almost like that exact feeling when you finally reunite with your friends after being out of contact for a while.

(guild master Makarov!) Ferris shouted at him inside his head

"oh, my bad.. But you should look where you are going alright?" Makarov said with a Russian accent

Ferris was out of words to say, his mouth slightly opened and closed but it didn't release anything that was considered a word. The only thing he said was the start of a single word but stopping halfway through saying it, it's as if he was currently having a stroke, he struggled and struggled but he failed to even say anything.

"you alright?" Makarov asked with a worrisome face

"I-I just.... you remind me of a dead friend I know" Ferris said but it was an obvious lie of course since that was his best option other than simply saying sorry.

"I see young man, hmm you also remind me of a dead friend I know... He owned an orphanage, Tell me my friend, what's your name?" he asked with the Russian accent turned on

"Ferris.. That's my name" he awkwardly said

"What a coincidence! That was my friend's name"

For Makarov, this was a great coincidence for him but for Ferris it was just stupid coincidence for him to bump into his old guild master. Ferris didn't know what to do at this point, the only thing he had left to do is to pray for dumb luck which came in the form of Charlotte.

Makarov quickly noticed the sleepy Charlotte that was about to collapse anytime soon, this led Makarov to forget about Ferris for a bit since Charlotte had a more important figure.

"princess Charlotte, you need sleep.. I'll tell my guards to escort you to the castle" Makarov said to her

"nnghh, get a diamond rank to watch over Ferris, it's number one priority" she weakly said as her legs struggled to keep her standing.

Makarov quickly called for some nearby adventurers to help Charlotte out, for a guild master who treated all of his adventurers like a mother, who wouldn't want to disobey him? The called out adventurers luckily had a high ranking mage with them so they didn't have to walk all the way down the building so instead, the mage directly teleported them to the castle and as for Ferris, Makarov quickly followed Charlotte's order but without pause.

"my friend.. Follow me, I have room for you" Makarov said with the usual accent

Along the way, both of them discussed things but unfortunately for Ferris, he couldn't bring himself to tell that he was in fact Sabaoth who adopted his own father's name. As much as his body urged him to return back to being Sabaoth, he just couldn't do it. A dead man can't return to life after a few years but if its only for a few minutes of being dead then it's fine. Just suddenly returning can be a good thing at first but if your friends, lover, brothers, etc will feel something else after reuniting with the dead. They'd sometimes view you as a ghost or a zombie, it's unnatural for them to see a dead man walking along with them again, that's not how nature works.

Ferris only left the guild master for maybe a month, but for Makarov it's already been ten years of Sabaoth not being around. It's best not to interfere with nature and keep things as they were supposed to be intented, Sabaoth died from a high orc then he died from a high orc and that is all there is to say, nothing more.

(heh, same as ever huh, the only difference is a few wrinkles and a bigger beard)

"my friend, Even you have a similar face to Sabaoth and... my dead friend Ferris.. Well anyways, your room.. It's on the house, feel free to stay for as long as you want, and I'll get a friend of mine to keep watch on you my friend" Makarov said while slowly closing the door

Ferris rested his back on the door and formed a soft smile, like cutting onions a single shed of tear managed to swim its way out of his eyes and into the outside world.

"it feels like it was yesterday..." Ferris mumbled
