
Missing 2 [60]

Not much adventurers go to the outskirts of town because not much interesting activities goes on there. Luckily, Sarya stayed there until the missing child's parents arrived. Sarya and the rest were almost instantly called to help, the mother was even willing to pay a good amount for their help but the father hesitated.

"It's a waste of money besides it's just a forest, I'll go look for my son myself. " the father said as he looked at the forest

However when he looked at the unnaturally dark forest, he began having doubts about what he just said. The dark forest planted signs saying don't go in-don't go in even if there were no signs planted, the image of the dark forest made it perfectly clear without using words.

"on second thought... never mind" the father said while sweat was starting to form on his face

"do we really have to go?" Sieg asked

As Sieg asked this Sarya quickly grabbed everyone for a small discussion. each of them were shoulder to shoulder with the four forming a small circle, the parents of the lost child was a little confused plus they couldn't hear what the party was discussing.

"does anyone have money?" she said to everyone

"nope" Kai quickly answered

"not me" Sieg answered

"my savings can't even last us week" Egam answered with disappointment to herself

"the money reward can last us two weeks if we successfully save the child, it can't be that hard right?" Sarya said to them

It's decided, no one objected to Sarya's decision so they accepted the mother's request for them. The mother quickly agreed and the party prepared themselves to enter the dark forest. All of them stepped inside together, they felt a slight change in the atmosphere as their chest slightly tightened up for whatever reason, it was slightly windy inside plus the air was cold which was unnatural for a forest in the day, let alone at noon.

They walked using the ground which was littered with dead leaves, the trees were so tightly packed together that one could say it was like a maze. The party was about to pass a tree, the tree provided two directions to take, the party went to the right while Sieg went to the left since it had a cleaner ground.

Sieg passed the tree on the left side which made him invisible for one second since the tree bark covered him from the sights of the rest, while the rest went to the right side which made them invisible since the tree bark blocked them from the sights of Sieg. Sieg only got separated in a distance of one meter which could be easily crossed in one big step.

As Sarya passed through the tree a sudden gust of cold air erupted out of nowhere.

"it's noon so why is this place so dark and cold?!" Sarya exclaimed

She turned around to check out the rest but only to not find Sieg anywhere, where the hell did he go Sarya thought. There's no way that he just suddenly disappeared, Sarya and Egam noticed it too but Kai kept walking further while Sarya and Egam stopped to wonder why Sieg just disappeared.

As Kai walked further, he somehow managed to get a tree to cover him for one second and he to dissappeared like Sieg.

"Hey Ka-

Sarya noticed that Kai also disappeared, something was definitely happening and it's not good. Sarya stayed calm throughout the situation, but Egam was a tad anxious. They began calling out for them using their names but that didn't work out to well for them.

"that's weird... I can't sence their presence anywhere" Egam exclaimed while visibly sweating

"this weird forest might be blocking me, I'll fly up and see if I can detect them" Egam notified

She began flying up through the Thick leaves of the trees and what she saw was unexpected, all around her was just trees and no town to be spotted, they only walked for a few seconds so they should clearly see the town not too far away from them but it wasn't to be seen anywhere.

This began worrying Egam so she quickly went down to check out on Sarya but she was suddenly gone as well, all of them are separated in long distances plus it was dark so it made the scene more terrifying as if someone or something was watching you within the shadows. It's not the child who is missing, it's now the party who is missing and quite possibly lost aswell.
