
Rampage 2 [65]

A large army in iron clad armor marched in perfect unison, the armor rattled after each step they took making unbearable noises. Cavalry, pikemen, Archers and whatever types of soldier it takes to make a formidable army was used in many numbers. Luckily for the attacking force, the capital of Aussi was only twenty miles away from the enemy border so it was easy to cross.

"why are we attacking the capital?" a soldier asked

"yeah, our country doesn't have any disputes with Aussi.. Why the hell are we attacking"

"both of you shut it, we're just grunts hired to fight.."

"hold steady!" a man shouted

The army stopped its seemingly unstoppable match, the loud noises of iron stopped and the only sounds you'll hear were the equally loud noises of crickets rupturing your eardrums while you yourself is trying to sleep peacefully at night. Only a few soldiers uttered weird in the form or small tasks or mumbling, the soldiers were not informed of this operation in advanced, almost all of them did not know why they are attacking a friendly country, but they will follow orders no matter what.

"only a few miles left! Move slowly! And don't light any torches! We need to stay hidden!" the same man shouted

The man seemed to be the coordinator of the army, he mounted a giant winged horse while wearing high quality armor, his sword was like the giant swords you see commonly in anime, so unbalanced and heavy but still the man held it as if it was a nothing but a normal sword. Everyone seemed to respect him as a soldier and a leader, following his every order and command in an instant. The coordinator looked towards the direction to where the capital of Aussi lies, lucky for them, since it's a friendly country, they didn't have to worry about any border defences they might encounter so they simply just walked through.


(the hell do they think their doing?!) the coordinator thought

As soon as he felt the rumbling, the man turned around towards the army to yell at them for marching without his order but they weren't marching or making any noises. The large army was just as confused as the coordinator, some soldiers looked at the ground beneath them and some just looked left and right.

"the hell?" the coordinator mumble

He quickly jumped on the back of his horse to get a higher view, he looked to his left, to his right, behind him and to the skies only to find nothing out of the ordinary. Have you ever felt a headache before? You feel like something is squeezing your brain, not in a good way and it's on one specific spot on your brain, for example on the top right of your head, this is what the coordinator felt.

A sudden headache erupted on the top right of his brain, he doesn't really get headaches much so he was slightly pissed off. But this wasn't just a normal headache, the brain was telling him something. The headache got more powerful to the point of making him tightly hold his head, finally he looked towards his right and the headache disappeared as if it had done its job.


In the distance was a forest with insanely large trees, but he saw multiple trees falling every second as if something was knocking them down. Giant flocks of birds went to the skies, when you get too close to some pigeons they fly away because you got too close but what made these flocks of bird fly away even though they were safely sleeping at the highest parts of the trees?

Something like a long white train slowly slithered, it's long tongue was unlike any other snakes because it had sharp blades lined up in rows. You really wouldn't let that tongue wrapped around you unless you want to be stabbed by like twenty sharp blades, even Australians who live in the most deadliest continent filled with the most poisonous snakes and spiders could get a little shook from the sheer sight of a titan sized demon serpent.

"defence formation! (the fuck is that?!)" the coordinator thought

They atleast would expect an army to counter them, but a giant snake wasn't expected. The giant snake saw them from far away even though it was dead night it saw the army as clear as day, the serpents eyes were more advanced than the latest modern night vision tech, sometimes even nature could out perform human technology. The giant serpent began picking up speed as the army prepared its defence, but what could an army of grunts do against a titan. The serpent terrifyingly got closer and closer as the soldiers began doubting their defence, even if the coordinator can be trusted, sometimes that trust can be broken by the appearance of death.

The coordinator stood in the serpents path with an unmoved face, he pulled out his buster sword and prapared to counter its attack. Breath in and breath out, he took one step then two, he now picked up speed just like the serpent.

"how is he ganna stop that titan?!"

"just pray and believe in him"

".. I'm ganna die"
