
No Worries [66]

A team of three is easy to manage, a team of ten is a bit more difficult because of beliefs, this is supposed to be that, that is wrong, this is wrong, this is better, this is worse. Disagreements usually come with conflict and conflict comes with separation, an almost continent sized country shattered in to tiny bits like broken glass. Fighting for territory, gaining more influence and power but supplying your soldiers and protecting your cities can only last so short.

"I can't anymore..."

"let's end this"

"I agree.."

"me too"

"me three"

"I'm tired of this..."

Multiple separated countries agreed on upon an armistice all except for a few, the many countries who agreed on the armistice then decided to become one forming a giant country named Aussi ruled by a king who is elected by the other kings.

"an election?! damn those bastards, casually giving away such power because of some old geezers votes... Someday I'll take it all.. Even if I'll have to leave that responsibility to my great great great great grand child" A dangerously old king said as he struggled to breath properly while saying the sentence

Anger and duty can be passed down over generation over generation over generation to the point where the real reason of it fades away or gets twisted in weird ways, hundreds years of waiting passed until one unfaithful encounter.

"?!" the king reacted

An arch demon appeared out of nowhere, just a moment ago nothing was there but then he blinked and it's suddenly there as if it teleported. The king wasn't threatened by it, it's just a mere arch demon after all. It had the full package with fully equipped arms, legs and a horn but something was missing from the package, it looked dead. Its eyes were only looking at only direction and its face gave no signs of emotion and expression.

It slowly opened its mouth for some reason and as soon as it did that, the king snapped his fingers and almost fifty assassins and soldiers came out from their shadows to attack the arch demon. Multiple arrows to the head with two clean shots to the eyes, multiple stabs on the heart and lungs, multiple slashes to the arms and legs, and a clean cut on the vocal cords. The king then gave a signal to withdraw the soldiers but still, after all that lethal damage it the body it still stood up right and it still looked dead as it was from the beginning.

It continued to open its mouth and a small magic circle slowly formed, a woman's voice came out from the male arch demon.

[I need you to do something human]


"we're here" Artria exclaimed

Eventually the raid team made it out alive and fully intact, judging from the destroyed trees and messed up terrain, it looked like the serpent beat them to it. The second team didn't look to good compared to the main team, a few equipments got destroyed and some of the tents got blown away like toilet paper getting blown off by weak wind.

"hey! Any mages to teleport us to the guildhouse?!" Artria shouted




(no one huh?)

"Siddra, get some back up for the second team"

Siddra let out a quick sigh after hearing that but he still followed the sudden request, just like the hulk from the avengers he just simply jumped to the skies. Judging from the incredible jump he made, it's probably ganna take him atleast ten jumps to cross the massive distance between them and the Guild.

"this sucks honestly" Artria mumbled

The main team began helping out the lesser second team by doing mediocre stuff and whatnot while Artria sat on thick broken log that dwarfed her in terms of being thick. ©( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)® Even as a diamond S-rank she was exhausted, not physically but mentally.

(it's so late at night I need better sleep..) she exclaimed while star gazing

Since the log was pretty thick she lied her body down like a fully open carpet, her body was in complete relaxation with almost zero muscle movement to be seen. She looked at the stars, it wasn't the same as our real Earth but it still had that glittering and shiny look to it, she could even see the galaxy in all of its glory.

(oh what now?) she complained

She felt an ominous presence approaching the area, three presences that matched that of a demon. She saw then clearly even if they were out of view, she could even close her eyes and she'd still see them in the form of black fire. Like a meteor they fell from the skies at high speeds leaving a small crater beneath them, they even posed for the landing.

[we are the trio commander demons!]

[we are the trio commander demons!]

[we are the trio commander demons!]


"what yall want?" she lazily said while still lying down on the thick log

[why are you so calm in the face of three commander demons!]

"I'm a diamond S-rank why should I be worried?" she answered while genuinely looking confused

The trio suddenly gone quiet, like feminist getting their arguments demolished with facts and logic. Their faces were in total shock, what have we stumbled ourselves into? They probably thought while sweating buckets.


©Oh? On God, yeet oh dayum my novel sucks ass sorry bruh, 1000 chapters let's go pog®