
No Worries 2 [66]





The three giant demons fell like flies, their decapitated necks sprouted forth a small fountain of blood. She didn't even have to go near them to do that, she only swung her sword once then the demons suddenly got decapitated, it's like her sword had an invisible extension or was it her pure strength at work.

"what's up with the demons now? Why are they suddenly appearing from the skies?" Artria asked in a frustrated way

Three commander demons just fell from the skies, what was their reason, Artria now regretted that she killed them off to quickly. She could've asked them some questions first then killing them, if there's three commander level demons then they should have an army with them atleast. She then quickly noticed more presence approaching, what she saw was a giant cloud of black fire, each presence of fire being a single demon.

They legion of demons still weren't in view but their sheer presence could set off some red flags, 1000? 5000? 10000? It's nearly impossible to count every single demon. Every second the Legion of demons flew awfully close, if you want to escape then it's about time now. Artria expected the Legion to go towards a different direction like the capital, she waited for them to turn away but they unfortunately didn't. In about a few minutes the demons would be on top of them so it's best to act now.

(too many...) Artria exclaimed

"Everyone! Let's get the heck out of here! Mages teleport us somewhere far away!" She ordered everyone with a clear and loud voice

Hearing this order everyone quickly got a hold of the equipment and quickly clustered together like pigs tightly clustered together inside a massive factory. Everyone made sure that they were holding each other, they double checked to see if anyone was late for the party and also any equipment that might get left behind and third time's charm so they triple checked it just to really make sure.

"e-everyone ready?" the female mage asked to everyone

Everyone nodded and the teleporting began, since it's almost two hundred people being teleported at the same time including the second team it might take a while. First step is to connect everyone's mana together then the second step is to get a line of mana to travel through, similar to electricity traveling through wires.

"hey! Chop chop, the demons are already above us!" Artria said to the mage

She held her staff in the air while her eyes were closed, it seemed that her face is sweating due to the pressure she was taking. The line of mana takes time to travel, she can't even see where it's going so she has to feel the surroundings, an open area is needed because you wouldn't want an adventure to get teleported inside a tree and die a horrible death am I right? I'm serious it could really happen. The girl finally found an open spot, the third step is to now plan a teleporting spot for each adventure, all two hundred adventurers.

"come on faster"

"their coming down quick!"

"fuck! There's like a hundred of them!"

Each flying demon carried a single demon, all in different shapes and sizes, there's even hundreds of flying demons carrying a single giant demon. A dragon could even be seen flying with riders on their backs. You could say it's a colorful army based on the amount of diversity of has.

The ground demons currently being carried by the flying ones began dropping down like paratroopers dropping into the heart of the enemy forces, except the demons didn't have parachutes equipped. Any minute the demons could land on top of the raid team and disrupt the teleporting cast, they had atleast ten seconds till the hundred falling demons touch the ground, just one second late on the casting time would be troublesome. If it fails they have to hold off the entire legion of demons alone.










"lets go!" the mage shouted


All of them quickly turned into something similar to lighting, each person turned into one bolt of lightning, the entire two hundred lightning bolts then converged into one single bolt of lightning that crossed a large distance in almost a fraction of a second. The single bolt of lightning then separated into two hundred separate bolts, after that the lighting evenly spread out on to the open area.

"haah.. No worries guys, we made it" the mage said while catching her breath
