
Strange encounter 2 [71]

©At the midst of me making this chapter, there's anither author talking about my novel at webnovel discord, and I can assure you that I really want to kill myself rn, ok enjoy reading®


"alright... Coffee young lad? We have plenty as you can see" he said as he picked up one of the boxes that Ferris was carrying

"!?.. y-yes?" Ferris awkwardly answered

"you can sit over there with my daughter while I make some coffee" he said, ignoring the unrealistic situation he is in

The man ordered Ferris around like a butler, then he's offering some coffee out of nowhere. Ferris's eyes suddenly twitched, he felt speechless now or maybe he was beyond speechless. He did nothing as he quietly stared at him making three cups of coffee, his mouth opened and closed to say something but he could bring himself to actually say it, let alone if he even had anything to say to him.

"wow.. this coffee machine is so efficient, thank God I bought it" the man said to himself while admiring the piece of technology he is witnessing


"and just like that..." he said in astonishment

Judging from the way he picked up the cups, his humming, the way he walked with a slight hop to it. He was pretty dang happy for a man who was just done with a mind destroying calculus, or whatever mind destroying things math has for us humans.

"well, what are you waiting for.. Have a seat with us"

"wh-.... ok"

Ferris awkwardly walked towards the coffee table, his steps weren't as synchronized as usual since the steps varied in lengths even if it's just a little bit. The way he swung is arms at each step was un natural, unlike normal walking where your arms freely swing to maintain balance, his arm swing was a but more forced instead of letting it freely swing. Or simply manual breathing instead of natural breathing. ©you're manually breathing now aren't you?

".. I just walked in here without permission, why are you so calm?" he finally asked

"I know evil when I see one, and I'm pretty sure that evil doesn't come with that... ehh what do they call it again?.. Oh! a summon, I think that's what they call them these days, correct me if I'm wrong by the way" the man said as he took a nice sip of coffee

Ferris's mind got kicked back to reality and he once again operated naturally, the angels Ferris had made no sounds like simple footsteps, even with a decently high sense stat he still couldn't hear any noises it made even if it was directly behind him the entire time. He quickly asked her to go away and she did so by returning to the whirlpool of fire. Well, she did look at Ferris with squinted eyes before leaving.

"well.. What do you want with us?"

"I.. well.. It was raining so I had to find.. cover"

"some excuse you have there -sips-*

"im sorry, I'll leave as soon as I can quickly chug this coffee dow-

"wait! no no no no no no" the man suddenly said as he waved his arms frantically like a guy having a seizure

"it's rare for us to have visitors.. Please, stay while you wait out the rain" he pleaded

Ferris looked outside through the maze of giant blackboards, the rain smashed against the giant windows like small rocks, the sound made it seem like the glass is about to break at any given moment so it gave small a sense of anxiety. From the looks of it, it looks like it's not ganna and anytime soon.


The usual conversation began, asking for their names, age, all the normal stuff.

"you don't have a job?" Ferris asked

"its hard to believe but.. My cousin is actually the king of this country, you could say I'm semi royalty, I don't really need a source of income"

Any person would be shocked when meeting a person related to the king of such a big country but since Ferris has already met the king face to face, he wasn't really that surprised.

"so, I heard demons were coming to raid the capital.. Let me guess, your stuck here too right now the transportation here is nearly zero so it's not a surprise"

"you're royalties, why are both of you here unprotected. There's not even a single guard here"

"my cousin already contacted me, we are leaving in about a few days.. hey.. you're an interesting fellow, I'm sure my cousin will be fine with you staying in the castle"

(don't tell me I'm going back) Ferris doubted

Ferris unintentionally made a shocked face but the man misinterpreted that as shocked because of the generous proposal, instead of shocked because he's going back to the castle again.

"guess that's a yes" the man mumbled


©Sorry bcuz it's S h o r t, school is coming and oh no.. Tmr will be a virtual meet up and as an introvert I am very terrified®