
The earth trembles [79]


"I've checked, they really are tools instead of humans"

Parma scanned each of the assassins and the other soldiers, not much knowledge of entertainment, friendship, arts but they sure are well informed in the arts of assassin, martial arts, lying, teamwork, coordinating attacks and basically anything that falls in line in the sentence called killing people for a living.

They were like empty shells waiting to be filled, in other words they don't know the concept that is genetically engraved in every living animal that is intelligent or not. Free will, to what ever system, school, camp, or whatever they went through, they sure made those assassins and soldiers graduate with flying colors except of course, it's tainted with the most gruesome colors ever. Not some colors flying with soft heads, it has to be sharp like an arrow and those arrow shaped colors are ganna be put into some good use.

But what use? When there's no one to use them, there are tools of course and what's a tool without an owner to properly use it.

"what are we ganna do with them now? We can't just throw them into the trash bin" the king asked

"beats me... I've seen some horrific things in their memories... Watch this, anyone of you care to serve the king here?!" Parma shouted at the assassins and soldiers








All of them had the same reaction, they don't even know how to freely choose for themselves and these are assassins with the ability to assassinate kings and emperors and soldiers built to go toe to toe with gold ranks or even low diamond ranks, since they only numbered in few, you could call them elite soldiers and elite assassins made to follow the will of the owner who uses them.

(this is ganna be hard.... maybe a special army to protect me wouldn't be so bad...) the king thought while somewhat thinking of the future for these free body guards

the king rubbed his clenched fist as if he had a pair of dice in his hands. People have their own way of helping themselves think, scratching the head, nose, rubbing your hands, etc. It's basically a biological timer, once they stop doing whatever they were doing, it's always certain that they're done thinking.

"Your majesty, sorry if I interrupted you but if I may ask" one of his subordinates asked

The king stopped rubbing his fist but he didn't open it just yet, signaling that he was interrupted.

"ask away"

"what are we ganna do about the country these assassins belong too"

The king unclenched his fist signaling that what his subordinate said is a bit more important than the small elite army. He already knew the answers to this one particular questions so his mouth merely copy pasted the thoughts in his mind instead of thinking along the way.

"communist minus a leader isn't a good mix, for all we know if their king doesn't return until tommorow, there will be a huge power gap.... Now that I think about it, maybe the king going here alone was intentional, maybe his education was altered by others so they could turn him into a puppet... They might have even encouraged him to go here alone, after all adults tell the young what to do, this fact is absolute in everyone including wars..... For now we can't do anything until we get this demon situation out of our hands"

"thank you sire"


"I raise 50"


"ill do 70 then"

"daring today aren't you luke?"

"thank God you brought a deck of cards, we'd be knocked out by boredom if it weren't for this"

A group of military officers were playing their boredom out, it was around mid night, most soldiers were sleeping, drinking or screwing around at the large park inside the Old Shack head quarters. Morale was still high due to the Guild head quarter's good sleeping quarters and entertainment areas but even so, their leaders won't allow them to get too soft during the wait.

"dammed demons, just come here and get this over with already" Seiga said at the ceiling

"just wait a little longer captain" someone urged to him

"ahhhh~ I could wait all day, if only our camps had air conditioning like this" said someone as his body engulfed the soft bag chair

In a single large room provided by the countless apartments inside the old shack Guild headquarters, an entire platoon was chilling with the awesome air conditioning. Some reading novels or comics, eating, sleeping, and drinking a nice glass of warm milk.

"hey! Captain I heard you finna got a girl"

As soon as every member heard this sudden spicy information, everyone dropped whatever they were doing and rushed towards the captain like a horde of pigeons going after a single crumb of bread.

"this true?"

"how big are dem watermelons captain hehe"

"did you do it with her captain!"


"?! H-hey guys, quiet down yall might wake up our neighbors" Seiga pleaded with a crooked smile but he did at least wanted to have a chat with the bois for once

However, hidden behind that expression was something different. A bit concerned if I wanted to describe it quickly, he saw it and felt it again.

"(it's the tenth time today) yeah yeah of course I'll marry her so can you all calm down now?"

"nice bro!"


"the name of the future kid?!"

"(I'm sure of it, I counted.. Am I being too paranoid?) yes yes, can yall ask tomorrow?"

"no! Right now!"

"your still a simp...."

"Wait! How did you meet her!"

At the midst of the chaos, Seiga kept glancing at his glass of warm milk. Its contents vibrated and it was the tenth time since breakfast, his platoon squad kept harrasing him for always keeping a glass of water every second for the whole entire day but that was all for a reason. To make sure that it wasn't just him. Since the members were causing a mess, they didnt notice the small vibrations even if they were not causing a mess and were doing normal activities, they'll most likely not notice the really tiny earthquakes.

(somethings ganna happen soon... I feel like It ain't ganna be good) Seiga worried as he kept switching from looking at the bois and warm milk


©If u see something weird on the paragraphs just comment or something, I'll respond...... The whole novel is weird what am I talking about®