
I can do this [80]

"how many?"

"don't ask me"

"can we hit them from this distance?"

"... maybe"

In the distance the ground was filled with black dots as the demons ran a full marathon to get to the capital qFortunately the sheer distance between them and the capital was too great so it would take them a while to get here, with this spare time the soldiers can prapare themselves.

"Seiga how does it feel to be a general for once?" one of the generals asked

"excuse me but I'd like to go down there as a platoon leader" he replied with no regards to his new high rank given to him

"if you want to charge head first and die be my guess" the general said to encourage him to stay and be a general for once

As soon as Seiga heard this, he jumped of the collosal capital defense wall. At that height you could think about your life decisions for a good eight seconds before breaking your legs and dying but that didn't happen, a massive thump could be heard as his legs almost sunk into the dirt.

":0....he actually did it"

"can't be helped, he's pretty much a diamond S rank in terms of abilities, might as well put him to good use. Oh! Perfect timing, she's here!" another general said

Just not to far from them, the general saw what looked to be Artria, Siddra and an unknown girl next to them. Even compared to Artria, she had a fairly small build, just a tad shorter than Artria but what was weird is that she held a ridiculously long staff, just almost reaching Siddra's tall height.

"I presume that this is our big boom boom girl haha! Show us what she can do!" the general said, his tone was raised, it look liked he couldn't hold his excitement any longer than this

"she's actually really close to low diamond S-rank, she's our one and only high ranking mage we have" Artria informed

"yes yes I've read her log now let's get to blowing stuff up"

"of course, alright girl show em what you got"


"! Watch it, your ganna bonk my head with that staff of yours if your not careful" she exclaimed while dodging the unrealistically long staff

"s-so sorry"

As she continued to grunt like a small little kitten, the others watched a small girl handling a long stick ©don't get the wrong idea®. Not ganna lie, the others thought it was kinda cute with those little kitten grunts.

"she's basically a glass cannon" the general said to them as he stared at the little kitten struggling to properly carry the staff

"even I haven't seen her at full, that's why we don't usually bring her for dungeon raids unless we want her to kill everyone with friendly fire" Artria replied as she too stared at the little mage

Finally she finished, whatever she was going to do the generals were curious to see what will happen and what kind of light show they'll experience once it fires. She held the staff with both arms as if she was holding a long spear and that spear was pointed at the far away demon army, can she hit them accurately? The generals didn't know what would happen nor did Artria and Siddra if he even cares.




As she kept doing that stance while not moving like a rock, the generals got a bit impetient, there metal boots tapped the ground in agonizing wait until they finally asked.

"miss, how long is the cast time?" one of the generals asked with arms crossed



"i-i-i have s-stage f-fright" the girl finally informed just as her body began shaking and her teeth chattering uncontrollably almost like she was naked outside while it was snowing

As the girl said finally said it, most of the generals snapped a bit and some disappointingly laughed it off with no anger.

"you!~ whatever! Let's just leave and not waste time, let's get down everyone! Let the cat do her job" one of the generals yeld

"I agree, let's go"

"heh, wasn't that cute though? With the cat ears"

"shut up and head down Micheal"

The generals then went to a tower wall, so they could watch the show, out of view from the caster.

"don't worry, I'll give you head pats right after" Artria encouraged, maybe because it's a win win scenario for both of them

The little kitten's eyes sparkled for a bit there, she then finally again, did it for real this time.


"what do we got? 1 hour? 30 minutes?" 2-




"! Captain! I thought you were appointed for acting general!"

"they literally asked for me to go here can't blame them... Help me out, my legs are sunked into the ground" Seiga asked

"y-yes of course"

"so, how do we deal with the demons?" Seiga asked

"oh uhh, we were told that.. There was a mage... That... Could... Kill... Most of the.. Demons! God that was hard to pull out" he said in accomplishment as he finally yanked his captain's leg from the ground

"sorry, guess my armor is too heavy... A mage you say?..."

Seiga noticed something, not just him but everyone in the army. The army was located outside the capital but near the giant walls, that location was now colored in a bright blue color as if giant spotlight lighted up the entire army in blue. A U.F.O? Kinda, what they saw was a giant blue magic circle spinning in a clockwise direction with other smaller ones connected to it. For whoever was casting that monstrosity, it would seem that the plan was to blow away the demon army in one shot.

The giant magic circle eerily floated in the air, half of the circle at the wall and the other half of the circle on top of it, it played out a low humming noise that was slowly building up as its pitch went up higher as well. Maybe a giant laser beam, a giant blue fireball or even a nuke, nevertheless the soldiers felt awe and terror at the same time as they witnessed such an inhuman sight. I mean, the one who was casting it was a beast, a cat girl so it was literally inhuman.

"wait... Shouldn't the army move away?"

"nahh... I think we'll be fine here" Seiga answered as he looked at the giant magic circle in awe


©Sorry for the low uploads and also, I committed the N U T before uploading this lol"