
Personal Look Inside [82]

"yes! There it is!"

"maybe this was easier than we thought"

"maybe that cat girl wasn't so bad"

Have you ever watched a sci-fi movie? anyone who watched atleast one movie would know this. The classic Lazer attack, the beam was as large as the giant walls and its light almost blinded everyone near it. The terrified screams of the soldiers were muffled as the deep buzzing noise of the Lazer vigorously attacked everyone's eardrums with no mercy.

As for the generals who just wanted to watch the spectacle, they weren't to amazed or awed by the power because they were to busy closing their eyes since literally everything is engulfed with blue light.

However the demons were still far away so the Lazer took its sweet time crossing the distance, it lasted for a short five seconds then the Lazer fully stopped its light show. The long staff that the cat girl was holding smoked as if a potato computer decided to run GTA V at max graphics, the tip suddenly bursted open and eight tiny metal sticks that looked like metal casings appeared as an extension of the long staff, they spinned and spinned and they also busted open but this time, eight blue glowing crystals appeared.

If you ever heard the ping of an m1 garand or a bullet casing falling off towards a hard ground like stone and making a ping noise, the same noise was heard when the crystals fell. They brightly glowed in blue but it was constantly flickering like a broken light bulb then soon after the bright blue glow went out like a candle's fire being blown away

There's no way they could survive a death star like Lazer, there's no way. But of course, who would want a story that could end just like that, there's always that one little shit that has to ruin everyone's day just like that. I'm sure if life was a person, it would probably struggle between the simple options of "being nice" or "LoL no".

The same ping was heard, since the bright light from the Lazer weakened they could finally see clearly and they sure as hell regretted that, they wished that they could be blinded again so they wouldn't see what they were seeing. Confused with this paragraph? Your not alone but not for the same reason as with the people inside the novel.





The people on top of the walls could see what just happened, where's the cool and massive Micheal Bay explosion that everyone expected? Everyone got their heads spinning to no end, the Lazer just made a big splash on the massive army like a beam of water splashing on the ground and then... That's basically it... But that was only for the people who didn't have much affinity for magic.

The catgirl who was a little exhausted, had her mouth fully opened in shock. She didn't need to say it put loud to everyone but if she did, she'd most likely say the lines of W.T.F.

All the generals, the mage cat girl, Artria, Siddra, Seiga and the majority of the army, most from the mage group saw it clearly. The pure magic energy which was invisible was seen clearly by the people who had an affinity for magic, the Lazer splashed and covered the entire demon army but for the magic energy, it just bounced like a bullet bouncing on a metal plate when it's fired on an angle. The energy dissappeared, and spreaded out on the skies like a giant invisible could of pure magical energy.



([whoever did that, you should know the phrase an eye for an eye])

A humanoid demon crouched on the grass floor as he gripped his left arm or what's even left of it, if a tenth degree burn existed then this would be it. Just pure ash, his wrist bone snapped in half and it was only being held by a few surviving muscle fibers. Only the pinky and the index finger survive, but still it was only made up of exposed broken bones and a few muscle fibers left. You could say that his arm looked like an over cooked baguette with a lot of bitten pieces. Sacrificing his arm was a good decision, if it weren't for him knocking off the giant Lazer, half of the army would've been obliterated just like that.

Could he feel the burn? The pain? Obviously he couldn't, let alone move it. He stared at his own burned/broken arm, for a heartless demon he actually looked disgusted by the sight so he ripped it off clean leaving himself with only one arm.

([haah... 20 minutes for it to re grow, ill just have to walk for now. Those flying bastards should be here by now, I really need to succeed])

[so much for a rear general like me] the demon mumbled as swarms of demons of all looks, shapes and sizes ran past the demon without stopping




("your majesty"... yes?)

The king sat on his private office all alone, for an office it was cramped for a king such as himself. Just two guards outside and no one protecting him inside, or perhaps not.

He has already sent a large group of scouts to atleast check out the communist kingdom, or whatever you call it. Chaos would most likely be the current state of that kingdom, that's what the king thought but he didn't pay to much attention to it. What he did pay attention to was the voice inside his mind, a female suddenly called for him.

(yes?... "we are at the abandoned mine but we've found someone at the entrance, I knocked him out".... Oh? Connect your eyes with mine)

Even if the king was staring at his desk, what he saw was completely different. He was outside but at the same time he wasn't, he looked towards the collapsed body but the knocked out man wasn't showing his face.

(turn his body over, I want to see his face.... "as you wish"...)

The image the king was seeing moved, he saw a pair of thin feminine arms turning over the body and oh boy. The king's eyebrows raised, seeing the same guy again, at this time of crisis and he so happens to be in the abandoned cave where the demons where supposed to be in.

(keep an eye on him and caught off the link... "yes your majesty")

The king then opened the door and called for Parma, the king was informed of her every action, especially the mind meld thing she uses. Who knows what the king could find, his guts told him that something was atleast wrong.
