
Wasted time [85]


The flesh wall was easily torn down, she could actually see ribs reinforcing the wall as if they were rebars reinforcing concrete. It's a weird way to use bones, but I guess it works in creeping people out.

"I wonder why they use flesh for everything, it's a weird choice of material" the mage girl said as her eyes wandered throughout the room

"well this is different..."

Something like a command center, flesh control panels, and the only light source was three red lights on the ceiling. However no demon was found inside, dead or alive. The female knight went to take a look, those control panels caught her gaze. What could this be? She has never seen anything like it. Her hands got closer to the control panel which was made up of flesh, however it was flat as a board with no buttons or levers to be seen.


As her hand almost touched the control panel, it morphed, the flesh stretched and contracted forming shapes like buttons and levers or whatever a control panel has. As she moved her hand across the control panel, buttons and levers appeared below her hand and once she moved her hand to another area, more buttons were displayed and the previous location of her hand, the buttons and levers got swallowed up by the flesh, returning to being flat.

"what the..." she mumbled as she continued moving her hand across multiple panels

"I think we shouldn't screw around, lets get out of here and meet up with the others" the mage girl suggested

The place gave of an eeire vibe, even if it was empty, the girl felt that something would come out to kill them at anytime.




"what did you just do?"

"umm... My hand moved by itself"



They heard something, the sounds of flesh morphing. Something just opened, the wall split itself in half and smoke went out of it. It's just that right? Nothing is ganna come out there right? They asked themselves with both of these questions, well lets just say that they are very wrong.

They saw a silhouette of a fine woman, with wings behind her hips. Well atleast it was humanoid and not some freakish demon with tentacles and could spit acid or something in between those two, for a second both of the girls eased their guards but that was a bad choice.

In the heavy smoke, a black rod with a dangerously sharp pointy tip came zooming in towards the female knight's head. A second late and a small hole could've appeared at her head, with the luck of a hundred four leaf clovers she dodged it together with her life except for a few strands of her own hair falling towards the ground.

Without hesitation the mage girl spammed multiple spells straight towards the unknown opponent's face, it was only for a brief moment but she saw sparks coming off the opponent's head as if a saw was grinding on a steel rod. But that didn't matter one bit, during the split second the female knight jammed her sword deep into the opponent's head without stopping.

"there! thank God I'm an S rank..."!!!""

She just noticed, it wasn't some living being she just stabbed. It had the body of a beautiful woman with beautiful eyes, that's only if you ignore that half or her face was exposed and that she looked like a terminator from the terminator movies. It was a golem, smashing its head doesn't quite cut it.

A sound was made, like two metal objects smashing against eachother, the black spear just penetrated her armor and yet.

"I'm a diamond S rank, remember?"


With a move that most knights would probably consider pretty barbaric and most people would see it as unwoman like, like a beast she jammed her hand into the golem's stomach where it's core was located and crushed it with her bare hands. The core exploded but that didn't phase her hand one bit, even the mage girl had to form a small barrier for the shockwave.

"argh! -cough- are you alright?" the mage girl asked as she cleared the smoke using her hands

"yes.. thankfully my armor held the spear pretty well" the female knight said while pulling out the spear embedded in her armor

"to think they have such golems, can you carry this golem?.. or what's left of it I guess, it's just arms and legs now"

As the mage made every single piece of the golem float in the air, someone busted through one of the flesh walls in a hurry. It was a small group, but it's just enough to form a little survey team.

"I heard an explosion! Oh! Raid captain! It's seems your fine.. What are those parts? Is it a golem?"

"yes and we're finished here, help me call everyone so we could finally bring down this hive or whatever it is"

"an order from the king"


Without warning, the assassin appeared from the shadow of the female knight. For a second there she almost did the same thing to the assassin like what she did with the golem, but luckily she hesitated. Checking on who you're killing is rather important when it comes to fighting, you never know if you just accidentally killed a friendly.

"jeez, give atleast a warning next time" the female knight ordered as if she was a parent and the assassin girl was the kid

"all raid members are required to return to the capital in short notice" she said in the usual monotone voice

"why? I'm sure Artria and Siddra can handle big bosses alone"

"the capital has been breached"



"well that's not good"


(this guy.... is he gay? And he's on the level of diamond S rank... There's really nothing I could do, damn, and I thought I was about to have some more peaceful time but why do I have to get dragged into this?)

Like a helpless animal inside a cage, Ferris panicked as he couldn't do anything. Running from a diamond S rank is no easy feat, let alone fighting one. Seduction? Absolutely not in a billion years, perhaps his own fathers quote would be helpful, Ferris hoped that time would be on his side this time atleast.

(? He stopped patting me... wait.... I can feel his breaths, don't tell me! No! No! Not on the lips! Stop it you fucking weirdo! NOOOOO!)

Even the most collected and calm person could act irrationally when being cornered, especially Ferris, he's not even the most collected and calm guy to begin with.


(oh? Are they finished searching?) Duke Raymond thought as he looked at the giant hive being ripped to shreds by the mages

Ferris heard the explosions as well, as much as he wanted to see it, there's no way he had the chance to, especially in the situation he's in right now but he didn't care much about it. What's important is that the person taking care of Ferris stopped what he was about to do.


Inside Ferris's mind, how can I begin to describe? Perhaps he was thinking about ending his life on the spot but I'm sure he doesn't even have to balls to do it.

(xzjfxnvdoyrkydkx) Ferris probably thought


"those fucking snakes smashed the walls!"

"retreat! Everyone retreat!"

"there's no place for us to retreat!"

"we can't fire our spells if our soldiers are in front of us!"

Everywhere was chaos, lives slowly dropped one by one, demon life dropped by the thousands and yet they somehow pushed through like ants. A broken leg doesn't matter to them even a broken brain, a demon can still kill you. The only way to kill it is by fully chopping the head clean off.
