
I need you to know [86]

-knock, knock-

"yes come in" the king answered in a tone that suggested that he was dead inside

For an old man he did put up a good fight in not dying from stress just yet, maybe a few more knocks and paper work could kill him right there. The one who entered the office was the king's cousin, or the crazy math guy if you want to call him that way. The king gassed out some air as if he already expected something, his cousin knew but he still took his best shot to convince the king himself.

"lemme guess, that science thing? I already told you it's not that great" the king said perfectly as if he prapared it before hand

"I know your your majest- cousin this could push our country to the future! If you just listen to my theories! Almost infinite power! Weapons that could destroy kingdoms without the use of magic! Please ju-

"get out"

The cousin stopped as he heard that phrase, it's like he was an employee that was brutally rejected in an interview. Especially a relative in blood, saying that to a cousin would mean rejecting them out right, or just being mean in general.

"out of all the pleading I did.. no out of all my entire time in this life of mine, this is the first time you ever said such a thing to me... congratulations you played yourself and this beloved country" the cousin said as he was about to leave the door

The king stared at him, he was actually about to break off a slight chuckle but he held it back just to avoid a big misunderstanding.

"heh, not you" the king said while chuckling

The cousin stopped in his tracks after he heard that and just as he stopped, hundreds of shadows came flooding outside the office, it felt like a violent river just scraped his legs but that was only a feeling when he viewed the flood of shadows exiting the room.

"huh? Was that your new guards that you talked about?" he said as he checked his legs for any injuries, just in case

"yes and lock the door shut for me" the king ordered

What's with this sudden change now? The cousin asked himself, was he about to smack talk him so that he doesn't pull up with the stupid science thing again? Was he going to explain why he doesn't want to do it? The cousin didn't care with such thoughts, if this was the final showdown then he might as well hope for the best scenario.

"how old am I?" the king asked in a way that he was not really that serious

"old enough for you to die tommorow" the cousin answered as a joke but he was half correct if you think about it

"right.... I shouldn't be assassinated by just this right?"

The cousin was confused about the words the king just said, it seems like it wasn't about the science thing at all it's as if they were talking about something stupid or some sort but it was plain in sight that it obviously wasn't, every sentence he made was more or less related to his own life and the word "assassinated" made it even more confusing.

"how should I put it.... your theories?"

"?" the cousin reacted, he really didn't know what to say or what to expect from the king's words

"they've been theorized, planned, experimented, tested and used a hundred millennia ago but I'm impressed that you made this theory of yours all by yourself"


He was speechless, not by the words the king just told him but the sheer amount of possible information it held. His brain got clogged with information like a pipe clogged with trash, it was to much, his mind was in a state of happines and yet terrified. Such technologies made hundreds no, a hundred thousand years before he was even born, before every country in the entire world was even erected!

"wait! It's April the first right?" the cousin shouted so that his brain could atleast calm down from doubting itself

"haah, this country is collaborating with other countries in researching these forgotten relics. I could recommend you for a science officer but I doubt I could live long enough to recommend you, this world will soon change, it will be more devastating than the demon war and I now it.. so now that I've spilled some classified stuff there's really nothing much other than leaving it to the next king in charge"



"fuck! It's them! They're ganna bomb this place!" someone shouted

The imposing walls may still be standing but it's usuless when there's a giant hold punched through it, if it weren't for thsoe giant snakes things would've gone way better. Pretty much every soldier was forced inside the capital, if this goes on for any longer, entire buildings would start to collapse.

"hey cat girl, break time is over now go kill thsoe dragons up there for me" Artria ordered as she grabbed the cat's shoulders and began rocking her back and forth

"I-id do it if you stop shaking me" she pleaded



[so quiet... am I late?]

The demon strolled in the empty battlefield, humans and other species were scattered and piled up like trash especially the demons but that didn't matter one bit to him. His arm is finally back, good as new and ready to be used however it didn't see any living opponents for him to face nearby but he did saw one that suited him the most.

[(that one, finally.. someone that doesn't die in ten seconds)]

Although he was pretty excited for a good fight, he took his time by walking. He walked past countless bodies, a pool of blood, a chopped off head. He then approached the walls which was dead as a rock, no one even tried to fire some arrows at him so he walked inside with no resistance, similar to when the raid team approached the empty unguarded hive.

As soon as he entered the capital itself, the scene was chaotic with no order whatsoever. Debris was thrown around and sometimes even a decapitated head, it was basically impossible to find a place with zero conflict.


With a single step he closed the distance in an instant, even the laws of physics couldn't really do anything about it. A swift kick to the face should get him some attention which he was very correct because the response he got was very welcoming, fighting a guy twice your size and double the arms would probably make a professional mma fighter clench their asses but the demon didn't care one bit about the obvious differences their bodies had.

-grab, grab-

Without hesistating Siddra grabbed him by the torso and threw him like a master pitcher in baseball, he didn't just got thrown a few meters away, he got thrown to the freaking skies.

As the demon viewed the spectacle below, he instantly knew that he picked the best opponent he could ever ask for and just as he thought of that he was covered by a shadow. Even if he was miles up, Siddra got to him no problem, but the problem was is that he didn't look for fun as the demon did and that could be his undoing, having a basic reason could really dwindle your affectiveness.
