
I need you to know 2 [86]

[oh c'mon! Where's the rising action? Straight to the climax?!] the demon shouted with his lips arched to its limits

For the demon this was almost perfect for him, just the perfect guy to fight, demon or not they at least had goals of their own. On the other hand, Siddra was only focused on killing him. One wants to extend the fight, the other one wants to finish it. No one knows, no one was watching them as they were up in the skies, about to have a fight with no ground to settle their feets at.


Siddra pulled out the quicky punch to the face as the demon avoided it with his smile still arching up even further. Just behind the demons head was a large thick cloud with a giant hole busted through it, even the clouds behind it suffered the same hole. For all we know, the fight could've ended right there if the demon took the punch for the reasons he may had.

Siddra took another punch, with more power and greater speed however the demon also changed his plans, instead of dodging which he could've done with no problems, he instead blocked it. As the punch from Siddra made contact, the demon went flying off towards the ground. The clouds watching them backed off from the punches shockwave when it made contact with the demon.

(to the ground then) Siddra thought

Like a sky diver, he angled his body to the ground so that he could gain speed. The demon also saw this and so he did the same, they looked at each other from far away as the clouds passed between them, blocking their view from each other for only a split second. Siddra looked at the demon, aiming to kill him. The demon only smiled as Siddra stared at him menacingly. Siddra looked at him, as each cloud cut their line of sight every few seconds. He got cut off from sight, the demon is still there smiling, it happened again, then again, then again and Siddra was ready as the demon dissappeared then reappeared behind Siddra. However Siddra already anticipated this as he blocked the demons kick with one of his large arms that matched the demons legs in terms of sheer size.

[you read me like a book!] he said, with a voice that suggested that he was overly hyped

The place they landed in was a foggy forest, but the fog didn't matter as the blast from their exchanging of blows pushed the fog far away. Entire hills got turned into flat plains or even giant craters as if an asteroid impact happened there, trees got snapped in half like toothpicks and rivers got thrown off course as Ptosi the dryad was probably watching from the back stage, biting her thumb as she probably said the lines of "take it to the dry desert you bastards, you're ruining this landscape".


"sweet Jesu-"

"shut up"

Two soldiers were inside a closet together, the room destroyed as the furnitures were flipped over. The demon, crawling on all fours slowly entered the room, it's mouth drooling with human blood and skin. One move, and their dead. Sadly for them, one of them gulped in fear which the demon heard as it approached the closet. Even more sadly for them, one of them made a very faint noise tinted with fear.

The demon was sure now, as its claws was about to slice the closet clean in half. But for once, third time's a charm was true, the soldier gulped, the other one made a slight noise and the third came in the form of an arrow which went inside the demons brain and straight up exploded. As its brains or rather its entire head splattered everywhere, dozens of soldiers stormed the room as if someone called the FBI.

"get out of that closet, where's your platoon mates?"

"t-they're dead" the soldier answered, terrified yet a little relieved from their lives being saved

"your sword's busted, looks like you couldn't do anything... but I will advice you, hiding isn't really worth it" the soldier said as he tossed another pair swords for the two soldiers

The soldiers who busted in the room to save the two didn't felt much adrenaline, they've already done this a lot. They cleared room after room, saving soldier after soldier, I'd be nice if this war was only a mission inside one building but this was just one building out of hundreds in the capital. Chaos was everywhere as every soldier and demon was subjected to the horrors of urban warfare, you never know, just one wrong turn on a single corridor and a demon might just be waiting for you and one wrong choice of target, a diamond rank might be waiting to kill you.

As the soldiers helped the two wounded soldiers, the room went dark as the skyscraper windows showed giant scales falling down. They quickly checked to see what's up and what they saw boosted their moral as they saw one of the snakes that busted through the capital walls fell on the streets below the building they were in. One girl with white hair, white armor, and a long sword, stood atop the massive serpant with shattered horns and some of its scales plucked out like feathers.

Artria looked at the destroyed landscape, not even sweating she finds her next opponent but this time, she's the one getting approached.


Ferris's body jumped up and down, judging from the amount of running noises, Ferris knew what they were doing. Teleporting was indeed an option but it was too time consuming to perform, one interruption and the whole process could break and good minutes would be wasted.

Ferris couldn't do much at this point however he did knew one thing, when your eyes are closed, your hearing capabilities tend to be sharpened as in the case of Ferris. He actively listened for information the moment he woke up, the word Duke, Capital, demons, etc suggested that the people he was with had a high chance of being Friendly. But the case of him being tied up was left unanswered as he continued to close his eyes and opening them when he thinks it's safe.
