Mutated Zombies

Ling Mo's shock was followed by joy!

Since her eyes had recovered back to normal, his assumption could like be reality! As the virus continued to evolve, perhaps Ye Lian would be able to regain her intellect...

But after Ye Lian's eyes recovered, the virus's evolution speed seemed to slow down. After three whole days of hunting over a hundred zombies, Ye Lian's power only increased slightly and there was no difference in their spiritual connection like what Ling Mo had expected.

However, Ling Mo was glad with his own changes. As his spiritual power became stronger, Ling Mo tried to control other zombies at the same time as he half controlled Ye Lian. He eventually succeeded after a few failed attempts. He became more skilled at controlling zombie puppets the more he practiced.

Not only that, Ling Mo's combat power had become stronger too. Although he wasn't as agile as Ye LIan, he could react faster than Ye Lian because he had rational thoughts. Now, he was confident that he could keep himself safe if Ye Lian broke free from his control.

But at this time, Ling Mo discovered something that made him speechless. His food supplies were all gone…

He had relied on controlling zombies to fight and collect food so he hadn't used up too much of his own energy. But now that he joined in on fights himself, his energy consumption was much higher and he ate much more.

When the catastrophe broke out, people had looted the majority of the food here in the suburbs, and the remaining food supply was very limited. After survivors had repeatedly scavenged the area, food, there wasn't too much food that could be found here.

After finding nothing in two small supermarkets, Ling Mo finally decided to take Ye Lian towards the city.

Compared to the inner suburbs, there would be many more supplies available in the city. But because the city was so populated, the amount of zombies would be outrageous...

It he wasn't with Ye Lian, Ling Mo would have had the option to hide in the countryside or the mountains. But if he did that, Ye Lian would probably starve to death.

A city full of zombies was the best place for Ye Lian and Ling Mo to continuously evolve.

However, he had to prepare some things before heading to the city center: suitable transportation, portable food, and weapons…

Food and transportation were covered as Ling Mo had already prepared a bicycle earlier, but he didn't know what to do for weapons.

Ordinary household knives would become blunt after a while and they were very inconvenient to use. Having a suitable weapon was obviously important.

"Oh right, didn't Wang Ling's family make handmade knives..."

Wang Ling was a little girl who had lived in the same building as him. She had a cute face and he would always steal a few looks at her when he encountered her. But after the apocalypse, Ling Mo had never seen the little girl again. He suddenly remembered her and felt bitter. She was a delicate girl and even if she had survived by luck, she would definitely have a hard time…

Early in the morning, Ling Mo packed his luggage and headed toward Wang Ling's Handmade Knives Shop with Ye Lian.

Even though Ling Mo picked a relatively safe route, they still had to kill over a dozen zombies before they arrived at the completely desolate shop.

The blood-splattered glass display window, shattered glass door, and the pitch black shop made a fearsome sight. However, it was a common scene in the apocalypse.

Naturally, Ling Mo sent Ye Lian in to check it out first. Although she could attack other zombies, they wouldn't attack her first.

There were no zombies in the shop and the two of them walked in without any trouble.

There were a lot of knives in the shop but they hadn't been sharpened as they were only for decoration purposes. Previously, Ling Mo's friend had asked him to buy something here so he knew that there were many sharpened knives here too, just not placed outside for sale.

"I remember that the workshop should be somewhere back here..."

Ling Mo walked around the counter to an anti-theft door and realized that something was strange when he tried to turn the doorknob.

Usually, this kind of door would pull open easily, but Ling Mo discovered that it was locked.

Had the staff here escaped inside? If so, maybe there were survivors in the room! Perhaps Wang Ling was still alive and she was in there!

Ling Mo got excited thinking of this. He quickly knocked on the door softly and asked in a low voice, "Is there anyone in there?"


After a moment of silence, suddenly there was a muffled sound from inside as if something had been knocked over.

"There's really someone in there!"

Ling Mo froze for a second before knocking loudly again. Clangs sounded out from inside but the door didn't move at all.

Were they so famished that they didn't have any energy? Ling Mo had a bad feeling as he heard the sounds from inside. In any case, he had to open the door in order to get the knives inside.

Ling Mo wasn't strong enough to kick the door open himself, but it wasn't difficult with Ye Lian's help.

With a loud bang, the door cracked open and a hand pushed through the gap before Ling Mo could open the door completely.

Ling Mo's pupils shrank as soon as he saw the hand. At first glance, it didn't look unusual, but on closer inspection, the nails were slightly red and made crunching sounds as it clamped the door. It was exactly the same as Ye Lian!

Was there another mutated zombie inside?!

Although he has speculated about it before, Ling Mo was still surprised when he saw that there were mutated zombies other than Ye Lian.

Judging from the size of the hand alone, it was probably a man. That meant Wang Ling was probably already dead...

Rage overtook him as he thought of the owner of this hand tearing Wang Ling into pieces and shoving her into his stomach. He lifted the sharp blade in his hand and slammed down. Fresh blood splattered everywhere as half the hand fell to the ground, and the door completely cracked open under Ling Mo's violent attack.

Behind the fallen door, an extremely bloody scene appeared before Ling Mo.

The workshop wasn't big. The wall and the floor were all covered with bloodstains and ripped clothes, and human bones were scattered everywhere. There were two intact skeletons on the ground, both facing down, exposing the back of their heads which were hollow.

The only one alive in here was a young man who had been knocked down by the door. As soon as he fell down, he jumped up like a strike of lightning and threw himself at Ling Mo.

It was the first time time Ling Mo had faced a direct attack from a mutated zombie. It was so fast that he didn't have any time to react. If it was the old Ling Mo, he would've lost his life right here. However, he was extremely calm after having become stronger.

Although the mutated zombie was rather quick, Ling Mo wasn't slow to react either. Ling Mo moved at the same second as the mutated zombie.

He took half a step back and moved to the side, slashing his knife toward the mutated zombie with all his might.


Blood exploded when Ling Mo and the zombie attacked. Ling Mo turned ninety degrees in the process. He stabbed into the zombie's stomach and dragged the knife upwards before slashing down again.

If it had been a normal zombie, he would definitely have been hurt by Ling Mo's smooth attack, but the mutated zombie was too fast. Ling Mo turned around and so did the zombie. He not only avoided Ling Mo's slash, but ran at Ling Mo and stretched his hands out toward Ling Mo's chest.

It wouldn't be just a flesh wound if he was caught by the mutated zombie's fingers, and it was impossible for Ye Lian to help at this angle.

"You're looking to die!"

In a life-threatening situation like this, the bloodlust inside Ling Mo finally exploded. He not only didn't flee, but even twisted his wrist and attacked downwards again. He lifted his knee abruptly to hit the zombie's chin, staggering him for a second.

Even one-tenth of a second was fatal. In this short moment, the sharp knife in Ling Mo's hand had stabbed into the back of the zombie's neck.


There was a light sound and then the zombie's movement stopped. Ling Mo clenched his teeth and twisted the knife with all his might.


The blade of the knife had snapped off crisply. The part of the knife remaining in the zombie's body had completely ended his life.

Grasping the broken knife in his hand, Ling Mo felt like all the energy had drained away from his body and he couldn't help but pant violently.