The Girl Behind The Window

Ye Lian immediately leaped over when she saw the mutated zombie fall down and dug out the gel from the back of the brain.

Ye Lian's hand was so fast that she took out the gel without a single drop of blood. After she let go, a red and white mixture slowly flowed out from the big opening in the back of the zombie's head.

Ling Mo was surprised to see that the gel from the mutated zombie's brain was different from that of normal zombies. Normal zombies' gels were only slightly red, but this one was completely covered in red veins. At a glance, it looked like a magnificent ruby.

Telling Ye Lian to wait, he took the solidified gel from her hands and studied it closely.

Before, Ling Mo had guessed that the gel was a lesion, like some sort of stone inside the body but softer. Perhaps the infected lost their intellect and became zombies because the focus of the infection was located in the brain.

Devouring those gels made the virus in Ye Lian's body purer and deepened the impact of the virus on her. This was like fighting poison with poison…

He placed it beneath his nose and a faint but pungent smell immediately hit him. Ling Mo frowned and almost choked. It was something that ordinary people couldn't handle but it was extremely appetizing to Ye Lian.

It looked like the virus in this solidified gel was much more concentrated than in those of normal zombies. Considering what had happened before, Ling Mo decided to let Ye Lian eat the gel after he found somewhere suitable for resting. If she fainted on the spot, Ling Mo would also lose his ability to act. Even a normal zombie would be enough to kill him if one came.

Ling Mo stepped over the mutated zombie's body and frowned as he walked into the workshop, which looked no different from a slaughterhouse. As for Ye Lian, he made her wait outside to prevent the smell of fresh blood from attracting zombies.

The floor felt like there was a layer of flesh stuck on top of it. It felt strange. A thick, rotten smell choked Ling Mo and made his head hurt.

At the thought that Wang Lin was perhaps part of the rotten flesh and bones, Ling Mo wanted to drag the body over and beat it again.

There were many half-finished knives and swords in the workshop but they weren't what Ling Mo wanted. He dug through them and finally found a box from a piece of torn sleeve.

He opened the box and as expected, there were quite a few daggers and short knives. He pulled them out and they glittered coldly. They were extremely sharp and the quality was good, much better than heavy kitchen knives, and they were easier to carry.

Ling Mo tried all the knives and chose a short blade, hanging it on his waist and picked up another dagger. With these two knives, he should be able to make it to the city...

Although Ye Lian was strong, they were bound to encounter more zombies on the way there and they won't be able to cross it with Ye Lian alone.

Because he was with Ye Lian, Ling Mo always had a strange feeling. He hoped that he could be stronger than Ye Lian and he didn't want to struggle to survive by relying on Ye Lian. He hoped that by the day Ye Lian recovered, he would be able to face her with a straight back...

After he established a spiritual connection with Ye Lian, Ling Mo gained a chance to evolve and grow stronger alongside Ye Lian. It wasn't enough to just evolve with her. As a mutated zombie, Ye Lian's body was much stronger than Ling Mo's, but Ling Mo's advantage was that he could continuously learn skills to fight.

After fighting alongside Ye Lian for so many days, Ling Mo indeed gained quite a lot of experience. This could be seen clearly from his fight with the mutated zombie.

But this wasn't enough... Ling Mo walked out of the workshop and looked at Ye Lian complicatedly.

It was proven that there were other mutated zombies like Ye Lian and from Ye Lian's shocking growth alone, perhaps they will run into existences that were even stronger than mutated zombies. Especially in the city where zombies were packed, the number of mutated zombies wouldn't be small… It looked like he wasn't growing fast enough.

"Let's go."

He couldn't find anything else in the shop and left with Ye Lian. Although the way Ye Lian received orders was through Ling Mo's spiritual connection, but to him, she was still the pretty girl who loved to act cute and he couldn't help but to talk to her.

What he didn't know was that after they left, a petite and pale hand pulled open the heavy curtain in a two storey building opposite the shop. A pair of clear eyes watched Ling Mo and Ye Ling leave through the small gap.

"Wang Lin, what's wrong?"

A male voice asked confusedly from inside.

The girl called Wang Lin closed the curtains and turned to the dim room. Her delicate and petite face and lack of sunlight made her look even sicker and weaker, "That mutated zombie was killed. The short dagger was taken, the best one too."

The man walked out from the shadows and asked in surprise, "Impossible! How?"

"He fought it directly," Wang Lin's expressions were complex, "I thought that it was more or less my relative and I wanted to end him in a more suitable way, but I didn't imagine that someone was strong enough to fight them face on… I noticed them when they first came. A girl who could barely fight and the other boy who looked familiar, but I can't remember who he is and he doesn't look special either…"

"Sick! We thought of so many ideas but he got there first," The man looked astonished but he felt more gloomy.

At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly humphed in dissatisfaction, "But that knife! I made it myself and he took it! I wouldn't have come back if it wasn't for that knife."

"You should forget about it since he already took it…" The man froze for a second before persuading helplessly.

Rage flashed across Wang Lin's eyes, "No! I spent more than half a year on it, why should he take it! We should go and chase after him!"

"Don't look for trouble…"

"You are such a coward and you are afraid of troubles! Well, don't let me bump into him or I'm going to teach him a lesson! He took my things, that robber!"

"Yes, you are right…" The man agreed while feeling troubled. He suddenly asked carefully, "What should we do now that the knife's gone? We can only go to your cousin's shop and check? We can also check if anyone from her family survived…"

"I hope they are all dead!" Hatred filled Wang Lin's face as she mumbled resentfully.

But after a moment of silent, she nodded without a choice, "There's no other way. My grandfather handed down teachings to that family and their blades aren't bad either, we'll go and see. If I knew how to use other weapons other than knives, I wouldn't be bothered to go! But speaking of which, that man looks more familiar the more I thought about it…"

"It's a small place and you probably bumped into him every other day, it's not strange. Don't overthink, let's get ready and go to your cousin's place."

Compared to Wang Lin's cold attitude, the man was extremely excited. Wang Lin snorted at his reaction, "I really hope that they are all dead! Especially the one who came just then. How dare he take my life, I hope you die and reincarnate soon!"

Ling Mo was heading towards his temporary shelter and his scalp suddenly felt numb as a gush of cold air rushed from his feet into his body.

He quickly turned around but he saw nothing but a few dead zombies' bodies.

"What's happening, illusion?"

Ling Mo looked around him in confusion and eventually shook his head helplessly. He turned around and glanced at Ye Lian before hurrying away with her.