Jump Or Not

In fact, it wasn't hard to understand why these survivors decided to choose this building as their reasons were probably the same as Ling Mo's. First, this building was the closest to the front gate and second, the geological environment was the best. There was a man-made creek on the side and another public area with fountains on the other. It was a safe distance from the other buildings around it so people in it weren't surrounded by so many escape routes.

Perhaps these people were planning to buy some time and escape from another exit.

But as soon as these people came up to the second floor, they heard a huge bang from beneath and it was obvious that the safety exit door was knocked down. The noise and the sound of their footsteps lured out the zombies hidden inside the building. In an instant, miserable yells sounded from all around them and even the room Ling Mo and the others stayed in were bumped by either zombies or humans.

Ling Mo walked quietly to the door and peeked outside. These people already backed off to a unit opposite them and quickly locked the door. A large group of zombies crowded in the corridor and banged against the door crazily. Ling Mo heard the sound of ripping and gnawing, guessing that they must've lost some people and the corridor was likely filled with dead zombies.

It was impossible to stop zombies by backing off into a unit. Those people were probably planning to jump down the building for an escape. It was indeed a good choice to lure the zombies inside, then jump down to get away from here. Even if they couldn't get rid of the zombies completely, they could buy some time to run away.

It was dangerous to jump down from the second floor but Ling Mo knew that the ground outside was all lawns. If they weren't so unfortunate, they shouldn't break their legs. But in an urgent situation, it wasn't so easy to find a perfect solution. Knowing how to use a building, they were already better than those who only knew how to run away like headless mice.

"Brother Ling, what should we do? Should we help?" Liu Yuhao followed Ling Mo and as he heard the noises from outside, he asked in a low voice with a stern face.

Ling Mo glanced at him sideways and replied, "There are more than thirty zombies outside. We'll be blocked here as soon as we open the door. How do we help them?"

Liu Yuhao was speechless while Ling Mo shook his head silently. Liu Yuhao's personality was kind, to put it nicely. But otherwise, he was someone who liked to mind other people's business without thinking about the consequences. However, it wasn't something he could change in a day…

But they heard more and more zombies gather outside. Some even began to bang their own door, so Ling Mo's face became gloomy. "We can't stay here either. Let's get going."

Zombies were banging on the door, not because they found Ling Mo and the other's traces of life, but because they temporarily lost their targets and reacted from the smell of fresh blood. Aside from just Ling Mo's room, they were also banging on other rooms' doors.

Wang Cheng was horrified by the noises and asked subconsciously, "From where?"

"Jump down!"

Although Ling Mo said so, he didn't choose it if he wasn't certain of it. If they injured their legs and feet, then they really were waiting for death. Luckily, he blocked the door with furniture last night, so the door wasn't likely to break down despite the ferocious banging. But even so, Ling Mo and the others didn't have much time left.

Ling Mo quickly took out a climbing rope from his backpack. It was something he found when he was in a shop for outdoor activities. He planned to use it in some desperate situations, but he didn't expect to use it so soon.

After tying a knot and securing it, Ling Mo controlled Ye Lian and Xia Na to go down with the help of the rope first. The second floor wasn't high and they could use the air conditioner's external unit. Also, these two zombie girls were much more agile than normal people. They soon landed and began to kill the zombies around the building for Ling Mo and the others.

Although Liu Yuhao's face was pale for horror, he didn't want to go first no matter what. Ling Mo urged him a few times and he grabbed the rope and jumped down onto the external unit outside, letting go of the rope and jumped down while he was a meter away from the ground.

Wang Cheng followed, and when Liu Yuhao finally jumped down, the zombies broke through from the door and a few zombies dashed to the window and jumped down without hesitation.

These zombies didn't know how to use the rope and they fell down. Ling Mo and Ye Lian didn't give them the chance to stand up. Xia Na's long sword wasn't there in vain as well. Xia Na's eyes became red after she started to kill. Hairs stood up on the back of Ling Mo's neck as he quickly strengthed his control and stopped her from killing.

"Hurry up."

In a blink of an eye, a few more zombies died and they could imagine how soon zombies would be attracted by it. Ling Mo immediately ran towards the side gate of the district with Ye Lian and the others. They didn't go through to the front door because that group of people attracted numerous zombies there.

However, as they ran alongside the building and detoured to the road behind the building, they bumped into those survivors!

These people jumped down from the other side of the building and their goal was also to escape from the side gate.

Ling Mo felt extremely gloomy to see them. The zombies would definitely follow them with such a big group!

It's only been a while but they were already missing three or four people…

"You guys…" One of the young men at the front probably came to open a path for the rest. He saw Ling Mo and the others and exclaimed. They probably never expected to see other survivors in this district and bumped into them "coincidentally."

Ling Mo rolled his eyes and ran away when he could, treating these people who fell behind as protection. He didn't know what these people did as zombies didn't come after them for a while. Ling Mo brought Ye Lian and the others out of the district before they heard any noises.

"Oi!" The young man from before chased after them and stopped them as he panted.

Ling Mo's expression wasn't kind as he was forced to give up on his shelter so soon. His tone wasn't so pleasant either. "What?"

"Uh…" The young man wasn't stupid and he decided to apologize immediately, "I'm sorry. We didn't know you were there and we dragged you back. This isn't the place to talk. Do you want to go back to our campus with us?"

Campus? These people had a campus?

Ling Mo immediately looked surprised and wanted to decline the offer, but he glanced at Liu Yuhao.

Of course, he didn't want to go to that survivor campus and he didn't care if Wang Cheng died or not, but Ling Mo had a good impression of Liu Yuhao. His personality determined that it was impossible for Ling Mo to let him stay, and the best result would be finding a safe place for Liu Yuhao to go.