Seeing A Ghost In The Middle of the Day

The situation was urgent and after the young man finished speaking, he turned to Ling Mo in panic. When he first spoke, Ling Mo was the one who answered so he thought that this young man was the leader of the group.

"Where is your campus?" Ling Mo frowned and asked.

The young man didn't expect Ling Mo to think about these problems under such an urgent situation. Usually, when people bumped into groups of survivors, they would stick to it like candy! The reason why he invited Ling Mo and the others to join was because firstly, he felt bad and second, he was surprised at their ability to fight.

Although there weren't a lot of zombies on the way to the side gate, there were a few who were in their way. The young man thought that these people would either turn around immediately because they were unable to fight or they would pay a certain price for it.

But to their surprise, the seemingly weak group - two girls, two teenagers, and one young man, were extremely strong! These scattered zombies were nothing to them! Obviously, these people weren't burdens, but they were extremely valuable to draw them to his side!

"Ginkgo District! So? Do you wanna go to our campus together?" The young man asked them passionately.

Ginkgo district wasn't far from here; they only had to go around two roads. These people looked like they just came out. "Why are they heading back already?" Ling Mo didn't mean to hide his doubts and immediately asked.

The young man quickly explained, "There was a misunderstanding. We came out two days ago trying to collect some supplies. We risked our safety to come here to find something today, but we didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Now that we've run into a problem, we decided to return to our campus immediately to avoid losing more people."

Is that so… Ling Mo nodded as he turned around to glance at Ye Lian and Xia Na. Xia Na was rather calm at the moment and same as Ye Lian, people wouldn't be able to see through what she was. But for the sake of their safety, Ling Mo silently controlled Ye Lian to take out a hat from his backpack and put it on Xia Na.

The small move didn't catch the young man's attention as Ling Mo was talking to him while doing it.

"Okay, we'll go with you."

"Great! Let's go." The young man seemed to be delighted. To their campus, having new people joining meant one of two situations. One, they gained an extra mouth to feed and second, they gained more help. Ling Mo and the others were obviously the second type to them and Ling Mo was welcomed anywhere.

The group had no objections in letting Ling Mo and the others join, and most of them even nodded to welcome them. Ling Mo learned more about the group after he directly observed them. There were men and women in the group, all looking rather young. The oldest one out of them was only a little over thirty years old, and the youngest was about fifteen or sixteen.

Although they just experienced a life or death battle, these people's expressions weren't horrified at all. Their foreheads were filled with sweat and appeared exhausted. The person with the heaviest expression was a girl about twenty years old. Her eyes were red but no tears came out.

As these people advanced forward, Ling Mo heard the young man comfort the girl softly and learned that the girl's brother jumped out of the building a step too late as her brother was distracting the zombies. Her brother was dragged back inside right before her eyes and now, probably only skeletons were left.

After they gave up trying to look for supplies, they detoured around the street and went into a small alley. Ling Mo was confused at first but slightly relaxed after observing that the young man seemed to be familiar with the routes.

There weren't many zombies in the alley as it was right between two residential districts. Both sides of the road consisted of walls and other than a few occasional abandoned cars, there weren't a lot of obstacles. After walking in the alley for about five or six minutes, they turned into a narrow street and more zombies appeared.

The group of people still fought in an orderly fashion and as Ling Mo helped to release their pressure, they didn't take long to go through it. Soon, they arrived at the Ginkgo District. It was different from the luxurious residential district opposite the Third Middle School. Although this was also a luxurious area, the buildings were just constructed and there weren't a lot of residents there yet. This meant that the environment was cleaner by comparison, and there were fewer zombies in the district.

They could still see a few zombies through the front gate, but it was decided by the geographical location as there was a bustling business street near here…

The campus that the young man talked about was an apartment with a lift in the district. The front gate was built nicely and it was somewhat protective. Although it was useless against a large group of zombies, it had no problems in stopping a few zombies. There were also people guarding the back door, but they merely studied Ling Mo and the strangers with examining eyes without speaking.

"We take turns to guard here and upstairs. If something's not looking right, they'll organize us to leave or hide." The young man saw that Ling Mo was curious and decided to explain the system.

They went up to the second floor by the safety exit and they walked inside a room. Ling Mo was surprised that there was no one living here. Only a woman with glasses helped them load off their backpacks, taking out a book as she checked the supplies and recorded them down in detail.

"Please wait for a bit." The young man briefed Ling Mo and took off his backpack. Ling Mo stood by the door and watched, realizing that they brought back quite a lot of things. Other than all sorts of food, there were other medicines, clothing, and even some female products.

After the woman finished recording everything, she let the young man sign it before gesturing to him to leave and the resources were carried into the rooms in categories. Ling Mo looked from distance and found out that the room was changed into a warehouse, and he could see that mountains of resources were stacked inside.

The young man walked out with a smile. "Uh… I didn't have time to tell you, but I don't have the authority to let you join. I need to ask our head. But don't worry! She's nice. I'll take you there now!"

Ling Mo nodded carelessly but light suddenly flashed across his eyes and asked probingly, "What was that procedure about?"  

"Oh, we were just recording it down. The people here are separated into three teams. Each team goes out and look for supplies in turns. After we come back, everything will be recorded down and the team leader has to sign it. Oh, by the way, I'm Li Yu, the leader of the second team." Li Yu looked pleased with himself.

After the others came out from the warehouse, they went to another unit but Li Yu brought Ling Mo and the others to the third floor.

Ling Mo was rather interested in this so-called 'head'. After all, the head needs to be capable of establishing such an organized survivor group like this.

Ling Mo made quite a lot of assumptions about the leader of the group, but he never expected a sick-looking girl to appear in front of his eyes after the door was opened.

But that wasn't the point… Ling Mo widened his eyes and froze on the spot because he knew who the girl was!

She was the girl who he thought was dead in Wang Family's Handmade Knives Shop, and also his neighbors, Wang Ling!

When Wang Ling looked at him, Ling Mo almost spit subconsciously. "Damn, a ghost…"