Give Me Back My Dagger

From the moment Ling Mo stepped into that bloody workshop with only mutated zombies inside, he thought that the pretty and fragile looking girl he had seen for a few times had turned into a few bones and pieces of meat. He never imagined that he would see Wang Ling alive in a place like this!

Wang Ling just lifted her head up calmly but when she saw the group of people standing by the door, she immediately widened her eyes and jumped up from the chair. She raised her thin arm and pointed at them, rambling nervously in hurry, "You, you, you…" 

"Oh, do you know Sis Ling?" Li Yu read it well and immediately saw through it as he asked in surprise. 

Sis? This girl only looked seventeen, at most eighteen, and a fully grown man was calling her sis? Ling Mo hadn't digested it completely but sunk back into shock. His glance towards Li Yu became somewhat strange.

Li Yu blushed and whispered, "Sis Ling is strong. Sometimes our head can't even keep her under control and she even ran home with him last time…" 

Before he could finish, Wang Ling took a deep breath and the room became eerily silent again. She slowly paced to Ling Mo and the others, studying them with a strange glance. 

When Ling Mo was trying his best to think of what to say, Wang Ling already spoke with disdain in her voice, "Yo, Xia Na, you are still alive?" 

Ling Mo's heart skipped a beat. He was too shocked but he totally forgot that she was Xia Na's relative! But from Wang Ling's voice, why did she sound hostile towards Xia Na? But he saw her expression. She obviously looked excited, yet when she spoke she sounded cold again. This Wang Ling said one thing but her expressions meant otherwise…

Xia Na finally gave some reaction when she heard someone calling her name. Her confused eyes turned to Wang Ling and after a swift glance, she looked away silently. 

It wasn't because she was arrogant, but it was the after-effects after turning into a zombie. 

Wang Ling was unaware of it and she raged at Xia Na's reactions, "Is that the only thing you know how to do? Giving me that stinky face? That's true, people like you don't die easily. Are you disappointed that I'm still alive?" 

Xia Na naturally couldn't respond but oddness filled Ling Mo's face. 

Why did Wang Ling sound sour and even feel wronged? 

Was it because Xia Na was too calm when she saw Wang Ling? If it was Ye Lian, Ling Mo could control her and make her give some reaction such as a nod or shaking her head, but Xia Na… He did his best to stop her from going on a rampage and after he forcefully controlled her actions, the most he could do was to make her follow him. Although she wasn't a mutated zombie yet, the difficulty in controlling her wasn't lower than any mutated zombies, perhaps even more complicated. 

If Ling Mo didn't evolve his consciousness, he wouldn't be able to control Ye Lian and Xia Na at the same time continuously. 

Xia Na didn't speak and Wang Ling humphed coldly again. Her expressions towards Ling Mo and the others became unkind when she turned to them again, "Who are you?" 

Ling Mo froze but immediately smiled bitterly. He had a strong impression of his neighbor and even grieved over her 'death', but he didn't expect this little girl to not know him at all! 

But it was inevitable. From any perspective, Ling Mo was the most ordinary person ever and people wouldn't even glance at him if he was thrown into a crowd. Although he encountered Wang Ling a few times, it was normal that she didn't remember him. Who could he blame that he was just an ordinary person? 

At this time, Liu Yuhao suddenly spoke in surprise, "Ling… I think Xia Na has a cousin called Wang Ling!" 

"Humph!" Wang Ling snorted unhappily and glanced sideways at Xia Na again. Seeing that Xia Na still didn't react, fire immediately shot out of her eyes. But when she was about to rage, she suddenly saw the dagger hanging on Ling Mo's waist. 

Her attention immediately shifted from Xia Na to Ling Mo. Since Ling Mo walked inside, Wang Ling never took a good look at him, but her eyes were locked on Ling Mo, "Huh, you are the one who stole my dagger! Why are you with Xia Na?" 

Steal? What's that? Anyone could walk into your abandoned shop or do you want to say that the mutated zombie was the owner of the shop? 

But Wang Ling implied something else! Was she hiding somewhere and watching him when he went to the shop that day? 

Ling Mo pondered and the meaning was revealed through her eyes. 

"What are you looking at? Good timing, give me back my dagger! I made it! Why the hell are you using it?" Wang Ling glared at Ling Mo and ordered impolitely. 

Give it back? Ling Mo was surprised but surprise faded in his eyes. Instead, his eyes became cold and even gloomy. Indeed, she made the dagger, but he was the one who took it out from an extremely dangerous situation and even killed a mutated zombie for it! Now that she stood in front of him and stretched her hand out, how could she just conveniently ask him to give it back? 

Not to mention that Ling Mo paid a 'price' for it, and that was helping Xia Na and her group to the Third Middle School. Feeling wise and reason wise, he didn't owe Wang Ling anything. 

Ling Mo looked at the impatient Xia Na coldly, "Why should I?" 

Wang Ling was shocked and Li Yu looked at Ling Mo as if he was looking at an idiot. He secretly tugged Ling Mo's sleeves and whispered, "This belongs to Sis Ling, how dare you keep it? Give it back to her." His face was filled with regret. If he knew the group of people he brought back would argue with Wang Ling, he wouldn't have bothered in the first place. 

Ling Mo only humphed without replying. But his expressions clearly stated his attitude; he will not give out this dagger. 

"What do you mean why?" Wang Ling snapped back and roared, "I made the dagger and it is the first one I'm satisfied with! You went inside my shop and took something I made. How are you different from a thief? Now that the owner is asking you to return it, how dare you ask why?" 

Wang Ling's tone made Ling Mo feel annoyed. A strong sense of superiority and that aloof attitude all made this ill and fragile-looking girl give out the vibe of a miss of a big family. 

Not to mention Ling Mo, even Liu Yuhao's glance towards her seemed unhappy. He even silently thought that although they were cousins, Xia Na was far nicer than Wang Ling… 

As for Wang Cheng, he looked at Wang Ling vigilantly and silently took two steps back as he didn't want to be pulled into this fight. Wang Ling appeared to have a high status in the campus and Ling Mo's ability to fight also gave Wang Cheng a strong impression. 

He even thought that even if Wang Ling sounded impolite and looked fierce, Ling Mo wouldn't buy it… 

But at this time, the room on the inside suddenly opened and a man about thirty years old walked out. He was obviously disturbed by Wang Ling's shouts and asked gloomily, "Wang Ling, who are you arguing with again?" 

But when he saw Ling Mo and the others, the man froze in his tracks. Especially when he saw Xia Na, his expressions changed drastically. 

Just like when Ling Mo saw Wang Ling, the man looked at Xia Na as if he saw a ghost. 

"That's… Wang Ling's cousin… But when we went to her place a few days ago, didn't everyone die?" The man blurted it out and didn't notice that Wang Ling was glaring at him with annoyance. 

Ling Mo raised his eyebrows. As expected, this girl only acted cold towards Xia Na… 

But this didn't mean that Ling Mo was touched by it. No matter what, he would not return something he got by risking his life back to Wang Ling. 

"You are here too!" The man soon turned to Ling Mo and spoke as if he knew Ling Mo, "I saw it when you killed that mutated zombie that day. That was awesome! I didn't expect you to come here with Wang Ling's cousin… Oh, isn't this the beauty that went with you that day?" 

Li Yu butted in now, "This is Head Song. Head, we bumped into them near the Third Middle School today." 

"What head? Just call me Song Tian." Song Tian laughed. 

Ling Mo intentionally ignored Wang Ling's fierce glance and smiled, "I'm Ling Mo, and Xia Na… Uh, Wang Ling's cousin…" 

Ling Mo struggled. Xia Na was a zombie now and a monster after breaking free from his control. But thinking back to Xia Na's ability, he was unwilling to give her up so easily. 

Hence, he should temporarily be her…"Friend, I'm Xia Na's friend. These two kids are Xia Na's classmates." Ling Mo explained. 

"Oh, that must be destiny!" Song Tian clapped dramatically but looked awkward. "Wang Ling, you still have your mind on that dagger?" 

"Of course!" Wang Ling raised her eyebrows, looking inevitable and just. "Ling Mo, where is it? Give it back to me!" 

"No!" Ling Mo replied without hesitation, "You made the knife but I risked my life for it. If I give it to you just because you want it, that's a true robber's logic!" 

Wang Ling's expressions became ugly after Ling Mo refused her order. 

But Song Tian laughed and compromised, "Wang Ling, stop arguing. We'll talk about it later. Now that you finally found your cousin, we should let them stay here first. What do you think, Mr. Ling?"